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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    i think everything in india is backwords.... all the taxi drivers a american. all quickie marts are owned by americans... ect.


    DEVILEFK Elite Member

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  3. **MATEO**

    **MATEO** Elite Member

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    then leave <_<

    DEVILEFK Elite Member

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  5. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    you say it like you mean it, but youll come back, and we dont want that.
  6. InvisblSkratchPiklz

    InvisblSkratchPiklz Elite Member

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    so yah
    i went to get my paycheck this afternoon
    and got arrested......again
    they ripped my pay in my face and told me i wasnt gettin a red cent
    so me being so calm and relax, i punched the fucker in the face (YES i know, im stupid, but when you're in the moment, you dont know how to react)
    so i have to appear in court for the 5th time this year
    [Broken External Image]:
    fuck all you that dont have records :lol:
    i envy you :(
  7. **MATEO**

    **MATEO** Elite Member

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    ^ :( , are all mtl police like that?
  8. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    whoa that sucks.. they ripped your shit up...

    but thats funny u punched him in the face... lmao
  9. InvisblSkratchPiklz

    InvisblSkratchPiklz Elite Member

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    yah Cops in mtl are pricks
    plus i got 2 female cops
    you can have a 6'5 300lbs male cop and he can be fuckin cool (cause no doubt there are some cops that are ok)
    then you get a 5'7 150lbs bitch
    probably a Dyke
  10. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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    why were you denied your paycheck? i think i'm misunderstanding something here. they ripped it up in front of you, and you punched the dude in the face? is that how it went down? that's mad fucked up.
  11. InvisblSkratchPiklz

    InvisblSkratchPiklz Elite Member

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    i ll break it down for you guys so its simple to understand

    i worked for a pawn shop for 2weeks but i quit cause i couldnt stand seeing people selling stuff just to cop a hit or feed their addiction
    i felt like i was helping them with their problems, and i didnt wanna par-take in that

    so i went to the office to get my pay, and the boss said he wants to talk to me before, cause he wants to know WHY i decided to quit
    so when he said
    ''jte donne pas ta criss d paye, sa fini la, po content appelle o normes du travail''
    ''i aint giving you your pay, thats it. you aint happy call the better buisness bureau''

    i saw black, and i lost it (i admit i have a very short fuse and i lost it fast)
    so i socked em one in the jaw and the cops where there with me cause i needed police escort to get my pay because i recently recieved a threat that i would get wrecked
    so for my protection and there protection, my lawyer suggested i call a cop before goin

    so i basically punched the guy in front of the cop

    so now im takin it to small claims court for my paycheck

    i ll keep you up2date
  12. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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    damn homie, that's fucked.
    you are one righteous motherfucker, whoa, i'll give you that.
  13. InvisblSkratchPiklz

    InvisblSkratchPiklz Elite Member

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  14. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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    i saw a jc penney commercial earlier this evening that used Black Sheep's "This or That"
    that got under my skin a little bit. kinda like the cell phone commercial i saw recently that used Eric B. and Rakim's "Juice"
    good songs, but they don't belong in tv commercials
  15. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    anyone else hate thos dam jamster/text message order comercials all over the internet and tv....I mean who the hell need a ring tone of sir mix alot going "you know you wann apick up this ophone, when you sit there home alone.." or some shit liek that or those text message parties...what the hell who the hell buys this crap?
  16. JadedSketches

    JadedSketches Elite Member

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    emo kids do.

    except theirs says "come on pick me up,i slit my wrists,the pain is unbearable,i like pain,im a poet"
  17. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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  18. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    So the dude ripped your check because you told him you didn't like the job? Shits wack, and it sounds like he got what was coming. I can take getting fucked around a bit at work, but when it comes to the paycheck I aint havin any of that...
  19. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    thats crazy man.

    you might not win small clames court cause he can tell them you punched him in the face. but if you get a cool judge and he says that you punched him hopeflly the judge will say we arnt talking about and proceed to say... "did u or did you not rip this mans paycheck up" and then you will win.

    but is the dude a hundu? thats something a hundu person would do.
  20. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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    the fuck's a hundu?
    No entry found for hundu.
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