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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    i'll go Gnome spotting tommrow for possable targets. hit my mom neighborhood hard, next weekend its on to ym dads...those gnomes wotn know that hit them...
  2. jade

    jade Elite Member

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    ahh damn i could of posted the best picture ever, few weeks ago we were at a park at around midnight jus chillin and we went to a friends house to chill there cuz it was gettin cold, so on our way to his house we must of stolen about 50-60 of those mini lawn lights, we stuck em all in his backyard and it was so awesome!!!!!

    seeing the pic of all the gnomes made me remember it
  3. geezpot

    geezpot Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,055
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    Alright lets do this.

    "the official BS gnome team"

    In order to be a part of the team you must post an actual picture(no googlers)of a gnome that you've ripped off and its doing some creative gesture.

    Lets go...
  4. jade

    jade Elite Member

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    so all we gotta do is jack gnomes and make them do something....hehe this gone be fun
  5. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    expect tony to be on the gnome team sometime in the next week or so ;)
  6. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    i wish i had a all about treasure hunts
  7. jurass finish first

    jurass finish first Elite Member

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    i know quoting isnt very random at all. . . but my bro met the cast of trailer park boys when they were in town for a ourlady peace concert :D . but ya man i missed the episode since my damn cable got cut off. . . seen every other episode though
  8. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    lucky bastard!

    ive got a few lawn gnomes its time to move in for the kill....
  9. miklo

    miklo Senior Member

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    i'd participate , but i'm too lazy. but it would be fun to have something to do...*walks to the fridge*. B)
  10. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    oh man i'm soooo in.....its payback time for what those gnomes did to me back when i was younger.... REVENGE IS SWEET !!!! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA
  11. BEAS

    BEAS Senior Member

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    i live close to an olds people home
    they have some everywhere
    and now that its spring.
    i should be in this.
  12. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    to lazy? to lazy to go outside, get on your bike, ride around your neighborhood for a few minutes untill you find one of those suckers put it in your bag and peddle your ass off
  13. miklo

    miklo Senior Member

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    U TOO! give them a good pimp slap for me ;)

    hehe, yeah :rolleyes: . but thats a good idea for some later *by later i mean later today, or later this week, or even later this month....but month is all, cuz then i forget* :)
  14. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Any Goosebumbs fans? For my grade 11 english final project, we were supposed to read two books, and give the class a comparassion between the two. Long story short, I decided against doing it, and when my time to present came, I got up there and compared Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes(which I read when I was like 10), to Lord of the Flies(which I read in grade 9), all off the top of my head. The class enjoyed it, and I actually got a decent mark, which was supprising.
  15. miklo

    miklo Senior Member

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    i like goosbumbs. good job "dawg". ;)
  16. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

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    goose bumps was definatly the shit, The show was a bit...Odd
  17. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    ive never read the lord of the flies book, but the movie was good. im not much of a reader, but sometimes i'll find something i like and wont put it down for days
  18. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    anyone ever stolen markers from art class?my art teacher is cool and all, but shes got some nice metallic,silver,white,gold,black,yellow,blue and red paint markers in her class i just can help from grabbing,lol,shes always comlainging how everyone steals her shit. anyone elses art teacher have any nice markers or inot graff?shes done some sketches that are ok <_< ,but at least she doesnt get mad when i spend all class sketching, i know this was off the topic but what they hey.
  19. I used to take everything from every classroom that had markers I wanted. I'd just walk to it and take it. Yep. Most of my teachers can hardly see a foot infront of them anyways.
  20. miklo

    miklo Senior Member

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    o...i've jacked markers before. but they all suck. they looked big but they were small with a lil chizzle tip. and could be washed of SOO quickly. thats why i don't even bother anymore. <_<