does it make me coole3r that i listen to cypress hill's "hits from the bong" as i do all of the above?
Walking right past security at a store and knowing you pockets are filled with merch. Then walking to your car without any problems.
when you stuffed your pockets with meanstreaks, and white out pens. and when your back pack is full of paint as you walk past the cash register and the girl at the register says "have a nice day!"
Hell yeah. Climbing all the way up that tower you always wanted to climb and seeing as far as you can your city lights at night. Hanging out in the abandoned subway ALL DAY just admiring all the graff-covered walls. Then, when you here someone else climbing down and you start freaking out just in case it's a cop, you see him and he sees you and he's got a can of paint in his hands. We just nod and he just goes to finish what he came down here to do. Riding my bike all day, 120 mile ride, and 2 miles from home it starts raining. Thunderstorms. Having a 2-hour chill session not saying anything at all, just gettin' lost in your music. Seeing that same tag that managed to last years in that spot. Seeing people taking pictures of your work when there is plenty of other things they could be taking pictures of.
fresh french toast. the total shit haha. sneaking into movies wen ur friends have all paid. having absolutely nothing to do and chillin all day.
dropping salt in peoples drinks at denys when they aren't looking and watching them make horrible faces.
kicking an empty can into the river when you're done piecing. the feeling jsut after throwin up a bomb as burner. watching people givin props to graff on the street and not know its yours.