Watching people fall asleep on the bus and how startled they get everytime they wake up. New socks when they are the ones that don't make your feet feel instantly sweaty.
smoking blunts at work while you close. knowing everyone in the city by name, face, and occupation even though the city it big.
Chilling out late summer nights, blazing in the parking lot with your friends when they all have their cars out and proper. (I'm a car guy) Cruising around at scenic spots Ripping around on back roads/touges And getting shit for free
yup. your username is basically a big pleasure to me. none of that small pleasure stuff. i like when i can get my butthole to stop itching with a nice cracker of a fart.
walking up to the front door of a club blazing out my titties and all the bouncercunt says is "have a good night lads". never fails to make me that wee bit merrier.
hitting the bong then needing to burd and burping a lil puff of smoke and getting paired up with a fat kid in P.E and knowing ur going to dominate
haha. Faultos responce was funny as fuck. I reckon fishing/laying in the sun while fishing is good. Drinking beers straight outta the freezer/eske......BBQs EDIT, put this is the Medium pleasures category