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Small Town?

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Eye-Dea, Jan 24, 2006.

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  1. Red3

    Red3 Senior Member

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    Actually my post was more directed to P!P since he actually had Florida in his post, but whatever. Newfoundland is pretty damn cold! Glad I don't live there. I love cold, but dang...not that cold! Haha. [/b][/quote]
    ahh, st johns is like -17C max, Quebec/Nunavik kicks so much ass. :D

    Funny how St. Johns appears a lot.
  2. P!P

    P!P Senior Member

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    hahaha,.... Well, i dont knwo anybody else around here tha writes. Port St John is the easiest and smallest place ever to get up in....Then i will move onto Cocoa and Titusville.
    after i turn from toy to rookie. haha
  3. Snafu

    Snafu Member

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    i live in a town that has some graffiti but not any great stuff
    just wondering if you live in fayetteville ar. send me an e-mail
  4. P!P

    P!P Senior Member

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    hmmm, on Halloween a bunch of my friends got asked who was writing TXO and PER everywhere in the town...Of course they "didnt know" ...but i thought it was funny that i cop was taking time to ask everybody. thats how small and under-written this town is

    ELDORADO Member

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    K I skipped from the first page to here, but whats the deal with "small town" writers? I'm getting ready to make a meance of myself 'round here, and surrounding areas...
    I know they'll look, but is the idea that they will find me?
  6. CinimeIsntDope

    CinimeIsntDope Member

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    in a heartbeat if you're not careful.

    use unmarked clothing, cover your face, no bragging.

    ELDORADO Member

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    yeah that seems like good advice, I think I can cover enough ground to "stay away from home" so its not all around my area.
    covering my face can only really work while i'm actually painting tho, bc walking down the street with a mask ect will attract more attention.

    Atleast for now I think it'll be kinda cool being the only writer round here, i'll make a huge impact, and hopefully I can bring out more writers.
  8. CinimeIsntDope

    CinimeIsntDope Member

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    thats how it all started. once you trigger the artist out of poverty you'll see more names up. you'll never be alone for too long.
  9. fitzy5814

    fitzy5814 Senior Member

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    and thats exactly why i became a writer,
    My towns small and ive never seen graff anywhere
    one day i went under my local bridge and was like what is this
    next day i went under and saw some of the older kids spraying
    i thought it was likethe coolest thing ever
    so i sketched and sketched and sketched
    and thats what made me become a writer.
  10. krysnum1

    krysnum1 Senior Member

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    yeah, thats why i used to go out to tha city to tag, cause there was no writes in my town. turns out there was, but they all went to the city to tag, so if someone would had started bombing here before, there would had beeen GRAFF!!:)

    so if your in a small town, BOMB BOMB BOMB!!! and true, once you put 1 nice throw up you have fame, in the city it takes 100's of tags for someone to even notice your name, remeber your name for a couple hours....
  11. ceremony

    ceremony Member

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    I live in a small town and it fucking sucks. First off there's not much to tag/bomb. and it's way too fucking quiet so when you paint at night i'm sure someone can hear it. and there aren't many kids who are seriously into it. a few kids are into stencils/wheatpasting (which i'm friends with) but that's it.

    ELDORADO Member

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    lright small town update:
    some f'n kids started some shit and the cops know about it, problem is I was just about to start up strong (I still wanna practise but with the time I have available I should just start, anyways) these kids are right in my area of town so the heat wil be on...

    small town observation:
    Its so quiet you can hear the echo of the ball rattle off houses across the street...
    You can hear traffic on the next street over...

    I went out on a practise run (didn't make it to the target) got passed by 3 cop cars, luckly they didn't stop me but my paranoia helped.

    I'm still hopefull that once I'm out I can do well and stay outta trouble, bc I know even 1 bombing run with a bunch of throwups and tags will get my name about...
    I can't wait to see if there are any other writers around...

    ELDORADO Member

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    ceremony i'm sure theres enough to bomb (remember you dont' need huge billboards to get noticed) I'm sure there is a grocery store that has 1 side facing the street... etc
    Adjust your style to whats around you aswell, you may find that tags and throws are better... or grab a marker and hit every piece of metal outside. mailboxes, doors, street signs rails anything. I'm going to improve my tag and handstyle bc using this system I can be up in more places that with cans.

    My problem is all the spots that are good are pretty far apart. too many houses in between everything (unless I go downtown, downtown=pig shop...)
  14. glass

    glass Senior Member

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    Durham, New Hampshire... yeah, i might be the only one or one of the few, idk if any of the UNH college kids do but i haven't really seen any.
  15. krysnum1

    krysnum1 Senior Member

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    start at small chill spots. like in the around rivers where theres cement, now that its winter you can walk on the water thats ice now, and get under bridges and by summer the ice will melt and your shit will be untouchable:)

    Start at small barley noticable spots and work your way outward, that way it isnt s drastic shocker that theres graffiti around....
  16. glass

    glass Senior Member

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    cool, thanks for the advise
  17. clockwork

    clockwork Senior Member

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    Its so funny. Where I live there is me and my friend and one other person that I know of. Goes by the name Gier. Mother fucker goes around with sticky letters (Pre-made) and sticks his name on the back of signs?

    What a fuck!

    Were gettin more stuff. Works from the likes of SHAME and some other dude. But nothing really outrageous. I want to start a 3 man crew and I cant find 2 serious writers. My partner in crime is so oblivious to advancing and getting better. Doesnt have a drive to really do It like me.

    Hes always too high to wanna run from the cops.

  18. gk1

    gk1 Member

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    That is a sick idea man! I never thought of that... damn! I'll hafta practice up so I can put somethin killer out there where no one can touch it...
  19. Billburg

    Billburg Senior Member

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    i live in this small town called towanda in PA it has a pop. of like 5000 but there is a few friends of mine who do stickers and a couple who do tags and stuff but the upside is it takes forever for shit to get buffed.
  20. BEEZ<---631

    BEEZ<---631 Member

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    im from a small lower middle class neighbor hood on long island ny...shit it terrible nothing but fake ass thugs that atemp to write graff and suck. me and my two friends are the only decent ones. there is good shit from other writers passing through on the tracks but other than that shit is horrible. only 40 mins from nyc tho so thats where i go to paint mostly