who?? got any links to there muzak or where its playing? also u kinda sound like a cop asking if people are ganna be places
Lol im not a cop and they are playing at pops im just seeing if anyones gonna check it out because im going. If you dont like heavy metal and hardcore than this show isnt for you.... Bump the pics above, never really seen a guer like that before..... LINKS- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EF0E-_tVJk
Ya, not my scene, and i wasnt trying to accuse you, just saying to be weary of anyone asking for info like that on here, a better way to phrase it is just mentioning the show, w/o asking if ppl are going, but all good intentions the stl thread is as dead as myspace tho so anything to keep it going i aint mad at
Ok is the artist going around the numbers so they don't get buffed? or just out of respect for the train itself?
a little of both if you go over the #'s you car is more likely to get buffed, or at least get stamped. (where they stamp the #'s over your piece in a big ugly square) Also I lot of train writers have respect for trains/train workers and don;t doubt that the workers notice graff/and which names/styles stay away from blatant disrespect, and do good work.
blatant disrespect? Thats more than half of graffiti. Its disrespectful to paint on peoples shiit especially in street view. but u care about the train?
I'm confused what your saying tank... blatant disrespect to who? the average civilian, society, fellow graffers? I was answering bread;s question by saying I don;t go over the #'s on trains for two reasons. 1) I want my shit to run longer 2) It is disrespectful to the train company, and I got no beef with the train company so for me at least, it's a little bit of both Now I havent said anything about street shit, but if you want me to talk on that I would say look at the most well known/established/quality crews My example would be MSK .... KOG/LTS ....KD and I base this on the multiple cities/countries I;ve been to and what I;ve seen doing my best to disregard what I see on the internet as much as possible cuz I don;t consider it to be real/accurate Those crews avoid blatant disrespect. look at the spots chosen, beef, etc., it has some thought/reasoning behind it. they don;t go around painting over quality graff, churches, etc. they show respect and they get it in return DONT GET ME TWISTED THO fuck ya there is a level of disrespect to graffiti, it's a big, stinky,smelly, ugly, crooked middle finger pointing right at middle/upper class american society and it's values.
who did all those teeny tiny things?? it kind of looks like merk changed his name, judging by the throw