For what lol so the get ripped on the next day...dose anyone know how we can keep them put longer or even know what do put over them so they dont get ripped off so easy??? [Broken External Image]:
ummm there alright ... when i do stickers i dont just write my name like a tag i usually do a lil piece on it or do some characters moking the police and stuff ... and for stcking better i dont know ... mabe you can try wheatpasting ... iv never tried it but im sure it would work ...
After you put it on a wall chop it up with an exacto knive so that when someone goes to peal it off they can only pull off a little piece at a time.
just try and get some vinyll stickers or something cuz they last longer than the paper ones. i wanna get some of those ones that they use to labe flamable boxes and stuff. i dont know if yuo guys know what im talkin about but they're so thin and like impossible to peel off. but you could try spraying some clearcoat over top
who the fuck has time to do all this stuf? wheat paste over sticker? cut them up? put a clear coat over? for fucks sake its a sticker who gives a shit
hey jacktard if you make a nice sticker and want it to stay taking 5 seconds to spray over with clearcoat isnt that unheard of. way to think it through though
not where im from man. i did a couple nice stickers and put them up and then the next time i was there i went to take flicks and they were both torn off
If you smear a bit of dookie anywhere near your slap it will notify any potential anti-graff enforcers of the danger involved with peeling your shit off. :lol:
[Broken External Image]: yah....... i had 500, i have bout' 280 left, sucks cause i dont rep SDA anymore lol whatever