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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Waseone, Jun 21, 2004.

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  1. CrustOner

    CrustOner Elite Member

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    haha that's a cool idea.

    reminds me of the people who put silhouettes of people with cans in front of their pieces, so at night it looks like a person.
  2. latinladies<3

    latinladies<3 Member

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    i dont get why u would put stickers of a little diamond that get ripped or go unnoticed when u can write ur name with spray paint....
  3. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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    Because, I don't mind my shit getting ripped, I do it for the fun that I have putting up my work and knowing that before someone ripped it, 5 or 6 people or maybe 50 or 60 people saw it and maybe enjoyed it.

    And well I don't really like the whole writing my name with spraypaint thing, at least for the people I worry about, they're more probable to notice something as simple as a diamond on a stop sign while driving by than looking at a wall in mexico city that easily has 5 or 6 tags and looking for my tag.

    I mean in mexico the only people who get known are the "street artists" (people who do stickers, wheatpastes, stencils and all that ish) and hardcore bombers (which I really can't be cause it doesn't fit in my "schedule")

    So what I'm doing right now is more than perfect for me.
  4. port-a-john enthusiest

    port-a-john enthusiest Senior Member

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    Zato was ill as shit, what happened to him?
  5. zenne

    zenne Elite Member

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    cesk, that makes a lot of sense, and that should shut up alot of the talk about you on this thread...
  6. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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    [Broken External Image]:
    You guys see the mouse on the right?

    Some toy I know is trying to say he didn't bite that, but anyone who has Tony Hawk's Underground 2 for their PSP probably has seen that in the Berlin level theres a gallery with the original creater of the mouse guys work, I forget his name.

    Can anyone tell me the guys name?

    I downloaded an e-book of his before but I lost it somewhere.

    Please, I really feel like calling this guy out.
  7. kermet_1

    kermet_1 Banned

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  8. Germz Yo

    Germz Yo Elite Member

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    i <3 dalek
    hes so ill
  9. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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    i always liked cesks stuff.. why do ppl hate.. the kids got mad fuckin ups everywhere cause hes that down to earth...

    stayup homie g
  10. Vagrant

    Vagrant Elite Member

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    Or do you mean Banksy?

    everybody listen cuz I'm going to settle this...People don't realize that Sticker Art is different than regular graffiti. Some people fail to even grasp the basic concept. Graffiti is all about getting your name up, territory, and respect. You bomb lots of areas with your special name, or you have a crazy style or skill, or you hit difficult spots. Any of these methods get you up and get you known. It's about fame. But if you slowly add art to the mix it becomes a spectrum. On one end is graffiti, and the other is art. It starts to be more about design and art rather than fame or territory. The basic concept of a sticker is a quicker and easier way to get ups rather than paint or marker. One can sit at home and put lots of time into their slaps and take only a second to put it up. They can be more artistic. If someone rips it, who cares. You have plenty more to put up in its place. On the graffiti side of the spectrum stickers are used in this fashion. Ups and speed. You can also get your stuff up all over, easier. The graffiti nature shows through cuz they put their name or a piece colored with markers on the sticker. But if you move to the other side of the spectrum - the artistic side - you find people doing more interesting things with stickers. Here people make characters that they repeat, use symbols, make elaborate stencils, have interesting backgrounds, etc. Sometimes they strive for creating something that will add flair to the habitat it lives in. These are the truely artistic. The street artists. They might not even use stickers. To be good at either end of the spectrum takes skill and dedication. Neither side is better and they're always going to fight. But that doesn't mean they can't respect each other.

    I think I might have wanted to say more but I just lost it because a giant house fly just flew past me, I got distracted, and lost my train of thought. It figures though, that being high rant, I am therefor high and easily distracted.

    Yes. I'm serious; a giant housefly. How ironic is that?
  11. Mr.switch

    Mr.switch Senior Member

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  12. zenne

    zenne Elite Member

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    vagrant, very well put. have you guys heard of blu? he's huge in europe. check out
  13. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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    being high and getting distracted happens daily on bombing science ha ha
  14. latinladies<3

    latinladies<3 Member

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    i want to add that if u get creative and do artistic graffiti with spray paint instead of stickers, i give u props becuase most ppl with artistic talent that only put up stickers are pussies who only use stickers becuase theyr not man enough to steal spray paint and go out at 3 am in the morning to draw their charcter/symbol/whatever. and if u want ur art to last, spraypaint is obviously the better choice becuase it lasts much longer, way more visible, and u can put ur art on any surface as opposed to stickers where the surface has to be smooth and flat.
  15. deathorglory

    deathorglory Elite Member

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    good to see you again homie got some OG BS flavor going on
  16. birdshit

    birdshit Member

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    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  17. Vagrant

    Vagrant Elite Member

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  18. klic

    klic Elite Member

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    yea haha i was gonna say it looked familiar, the space monkey i believe its called
  19. immoral

    immoral Elite Member

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  20. Mr.switch

    Mr.switch Senior Member

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