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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Waseone, Jun 21, 2004.

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  1. tbonebailey2711

    tbonebailey2711 Senior Member

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    immoral ur 1/2 pages r in the mail they r heavy almost 2 bucks to send krazy
  2. Germz Yo

    Germz Yo Elite Member

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    SANEKONE Senior Member

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    im liking that new piece germ! a lot actually!
  4. Germz Yo

    Germz Yo Elite Member

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    thanks man
    it took way too long for me to get out of that writers block
    im glad i have new ideas haha

    SANEKONE Senior Member

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    i know what you mean.
    it happens to me all the time.

    soo... i would still like to know the link to order the dhl stickers.
  6. whocares!?!?!

    whocares!?!?! Senior Member

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    i heard dhl domestic went bankrupt they only do international i think now
    so i don't think they give out no more webship labels in 500 packs
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  7. Germz Yo

    Germz Yo Elite Member

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    ya dhl is the top dog in the international shipping world for big corporations and businesses
    but they suck for just normal everyday stuff
    so its really no big suprise
    Last edited: May 27, 2009

    SANEKONE Senior Member

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    yo guest. what ever happened with that video?
  9. immoral

    immoral Elite Member

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    Ran into some camera complications, If I get all of the packs together tonight I will do the video for sure!
  10. peacebomb

    peacebomb Senior Member

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  11. zenne

    zenne Elite Member

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    ok guys i figured out what im gonna do for my slap book. im doing a summer of '09 book, so for the next couple of months, anybody that wants to send in a few extra slaps is welcome to do so, and you will make it in the book for sure. im planning on putting every page of the book in a blog or something like that.

    off the top of my head, i know a few people that i would really want to make an addition into the book if you guys dont mind...


    anyone and everyone is welcome to make additions to the book, anything you send will go in, including collabs, etc. pm me for my address if your interested.
    Last edited: May 29, 2009

    SANEKONE Senior Member

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    im down. my work progress is S-L-O-W right now.. but im down.
  13. zenne

    zenne Elite Member

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    nice, theres no rush, you have like 2 or 3 months, then i'll probably do a winter edition if it does good.
  14. Germz Yo

    Germz Yo Elite Member

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    ya im down for sure
    and peace bomb hit me up about an exchange

    SANEKONE Senior Member

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    ive thought of putting a book together of photos from the streets with poetry / writings to compliment the pages. but idk. never did.
  16. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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  17. Oarsone-FFSC

    Oarsone-FFSC Senior Member

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    newk and teaper i sent your packs today. hit me up when u get them
  18. zenne

    zenne Elite Member

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    of course, i would forget to mention cesk. you and oars should send me packs as well.
  19. zenne

    zenne Elite Member

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    by the way, my birthday is may 28th :]]

    VAUX_FFSC Senior Member

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