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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Waseone, Jun 21, 2004.

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  1. tea dee sea

    tea dee sea Senior Member

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  2. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Mello, try more post less...You kinda took my old place of getting owned but now people regonize me for teh graffiti master that i am =p
  3. dripz

    dripz Elite Member

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    your graff aint bad, but you still aint got the right to be tellin other ppls how to run they shit, Honestly, i like the other guys letters more than yours.
  4. Bill Cheese of Wheeze

    Bill Cheese of Wheeze Senior Member

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    So i posted this in the toy thing, but idk who reads this stuff, so here it is. this is my first sticker thing...

    [Broken External Image]:

    How do you make those really big stickers?

    i know you put a bunch together or whatever, but how do you keep them together?

  5. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    The best way to make big ass stickers (aside from wheatpasting) is to use the USPS 228's on continuous paper. Its waxy paper so you just peel off the sticks, overlap them, and slap them back on to the wax paper. I got 3 poster sized stickers that way. ;)
  6. kill

    kill Elite Member

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    u guys spend a lot of time on stickers
    in sf i rarely see a throwie on stickers let alone fuckin burners!
  7. Bill Cheese of Wheeze

    Bill Cheese of Wheeze Senior Member

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    o wow, i didnt even think about that....

    228's are the handsized ones right?
  8. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    228's and 228 C's are actually both the same size now. Handsized. However another benefit to the 228's in continous sheet is they have no watermarks.... :eek:
  9. Bill Cheese of Wheeze

    Bill Cheese of Wheeze Senior Member

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    o really?? thats awesome. i am most deff trying that. i was actually having aproblem with that earlier
  10. BRAINE

    BRAINE Elite Member

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    yea dude those watermarked ones are so ugly.
    theyre only good for if your cutting your work out, because the way you peel the backing off, so you dont have to worry about the wax paper being on the edge.
  11. Vowel.1

    Vowel.1 Senior Member

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    It's only a problem if your using crayolas.... <_<
  12. SPINage

    SPINage Senior Member

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  13. []ASeR-ONe[]paint slinger

    []ASeR-ONe[]paint slinger Elite Member

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    nice stickers. im really feelin the first ones. and the slaps in the second are my fav.
    ill stuff. stay up
  14. dcite

    dcite Elite Member

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    spin those all look great man, keep it up
  15. fuckin villan

    fuckin villan Senior Member

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  16. ZED$

    ZED$ Member

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    dope shit spin
  17. bom-disoposal

    bom-disoposal Member

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    dude........ y do u give a fuk about ur stikers...... i mean stikers are cool if they look good...... but dont get up on stikers...try the big boy shit like ... i dunno this mite be crazy...painting....
  18. dripz

    dripz Elite Member

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    "big boy shit"

    Getting up with stickers is waaay easyer than markers and cans, cheaper to. Im sure alot of peoples here paint to. stickers are just fun that way.

    Why every other person thats been postin in here is trying to tell people to play the game!?

    i need a timeout
  19. dripz

    dripz Elite Member

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    and dope shit UPFE and SPIN
  20. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    fuck you look at your def suck ass and have yet too paint