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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Waseone, Jun 21, 2004.

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  1. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    holy shit pherz, i love it, thats the style i want the devil side of the tat done like... omg, you gotta start on it please! i cant wait to get it on my arm
  2. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    [Broken External Image]: [/b][/quote] speechless,an not just becasue its for me... no lie....

    i just hope when u get my stickers you dont say...
    "what the FU@*...." then rip em....hahaha...peace
  3. Disable

    Disable Senior Member

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    Too much flow....
    So sick it hurts.
  4. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    sick pherz hella sick
  5. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    lol funny you should ask. i just got back not even five minutes ago from putting up an ASSLOAD of your stickers (as well as mine). I'll post flicks in a couple days. My she-friend Mel went with me and she was really impressed with some of your shit. She loves your cah-ROK-tah's
  6. DA'SeLMeR''

    DA'SeLMeR'' Elite Member

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    frick yeah!!!!!!........thats where its at, let her know i can hit her up too.......with stickers that is, if you want more, i can always trade more stickers, or whatever!!! thanks for the propz, and post those flix up soon!
  7. seckzoner

    seckzoner Elite Member

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    haha its such a shame that we cannot mention a female, without making up some 'clever or witty' perverted joke. haha whats wrong with us guys
  8. acteh

    acteh Elite Member

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    :huh: :eek: :blink:
  9. seckzoner

    seckzoner Elite Member

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  10. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    its "aye", meaning "yes"

    not "I" as in "me"

    PANIC!FUP_MORE... Elite Member

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    aye or I ..foe confused me so now im not sure what to say...
  12. Lazer

    Lazer Elite Member

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    pherz im lovin it :D
  13. Alyte

    Alyte Elite Member

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    aye, the scurvey's running through me bones like a gypsy with a saw..
  14. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    theirs a dank USPS up on a window in a stairwell of my school that makes fun of the pricipal its awsome.
  15. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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  16. pocket_change

    pocket_change Elite Member

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    aye aye maitee

    pirates are cool, only when they plunder your ship and steal your wives.
  17. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    damn it i need some bigger stickers all i have is these hello ones and the ones you showed me. grr, oh yea i saw you stickers on the subway!11111111!
  18. Jeffhole

    Jeffhole Senior Member

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  19. ^ AsTro ^

    ^ AsTro ^ Senior Member

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    XD... there all the same
  20. tronz.

    tronz. Elite Member

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    not bad.. handstyle isnt great.