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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Waseone, Jun 21, 2004.

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  1. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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  2. i_eat_clam

    i_eat_clam Elite Member

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    damn.... now im post whoring :(
  3. .limit.

    .limit. Senior Member

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    ey chillen wanna send me some sticks trade u for my shitty ones
    (i'll make em badass for u...
  4. DA'SeLMeR''

    DA'SeLMeR'' Elite Member

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    where the heck is chillen, he is always on msn, but never on here......

    by the way gesus thank him, sending those out are expensive, mine and kays are each 15 bucks a piece.......
  5. Pherz1er

    Pherz1er Senior Member

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  6. Asshat

    Asshat Elite Member

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  7. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    dope sticker pherz, what kind of marker you use to get them colors?...
  8. Asshat

    Asshat Elite Member

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    To I Eat Clam, is that your Doberman in your sig?
  9. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    hot im feelin it.
  10. DOUK or DIE

    DOUK or DIE Elite Member

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    jesus christ pherz how the fuck do yo get those effects with marker
  11. DOUK or DIE

    DOUK or DIE Elite Member

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    glue im deffenitly fellin those throw-ups
  12. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    ill answer this for pherz cas EVERYONE asks it EVERY time he posts he uses prisma's and gel pens about 3 or 4 sgaes of eacha nd a blending tool also skill plays a big part in it..... pherz man glad to see u got your simples down nice that shits clean and old school but you should really put a layer of clear packing tape over it cas prismas only last a few weeks in the wild (streets)... selm yea i told him thanks and what do u mean they were 15$ he got them for free as samples i thought...
  13. XworseX

    XworseX Senior Member

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  14. Malt 6

    Malt 6 Member

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  15. i_eat_clam

    i_eat_clam Elite Member

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  16. 77ism

    77ism Senior Member

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    and uou say i post the the same flicks in too many threads?
  17. i_eat_clam

    i_eat_clam Elite Member

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    haha..i only posted it here because your ass was talkin too much in the b-book thread.. and it is a sticker.. so it can go here too...

    you posted your stuff 5 times... yes 5!. all on different threads...

    also that was about 2 months ago! u hold a grudge.. let it slide bitch.. why bring up the past.. i dident have a problem with you.. so just shut the fuck up, dont talk or comment on me.. im only on here to post pix, not waste my time by posting pointless beef...
  18. 77ism

    77ism Senior Member

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    i was kidding esse. i posted somthing 5 times? HA. i think i know what your talking about though. 3 was shots of it before it was done, the fiished and then another of the finished in the boston section. you always thingk im serious.
  19. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    kay an when u send out my book u should throw in some of that new fable shit man im really feelin that style *cof* or do a piece *cof*
  20. i_eat_clam

    i_eat_clam Elite Member

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    as a matter ah fact... i already put some stuff.. a couple of Fable stickers and a lil piece ;).. and a couple pictures of Genas work.. :eek: