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Style Vs Can Control?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Msfyt, Apr 30, 2006.

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Which do you think is more important in a piece?

  1. Style

  2. Can Control

  1. KEP DE fukTK

    KEP DE fukTK New Member

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    you gotta have style
    you just got to
    it has to look good
    has to look clean
    so both are important
  2. crac

    crac Elite Member

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    can control... i have seen alot of guys with some sick flow but couldent make it come togeather because there can control was lacking.. look at dudes like snafu and caps2 cope2 and other guys like that.. there style may not blow your mind infact alot of the time its verry basic but there can control is amazing sharp even lines perfect fill efects no defects..
  3. Dream Creation

    Dream Creation Senior Member

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  4. Bad Sneakers

    Bad Sneakers Member

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    you can't really make it without either of them. Clean is important, but whats the point if its not fun to look at?
  5. FallenAngel

    FallenAngel Member

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    i say can control, ive seen some pieces that looked like they could have been something really good but they lacked that clean look that all good pieces have, ive seen pieces that style wise, were hurting, but because it was so clean it looked damn good
  6. paris

    paris Member

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    What's the point of can control if you don't have any style
    you get me?
  7. FallenAngel

    FallenAngel Member

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    yea i getcah but ive seen some great pieces go to shit, and to a point style is neccisary to make a good piece but ive seen less complicated stuff look pretty good just because it was fucking clean
  8. ...uhh

    ...uhh Senior Member

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    i read a goutar thread somewhere kinda like this and it said u need control to do the style and u need stlye or ur just like a robot ya know? but i think style is slightly more important
  9. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    the way i feel is that the more u use a can the better your control over it and the longer that uve been using it, the better your style gets cause your progressing with both. for example. ive been doin throwups for a while but if i tried to do a wild style it would look differrent on paper than it would on a wall. so i think can control and condoms r the most important out of the two...
  10. Malicious artist

    Malicious artist Senior Member

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    yo style is way more important becuse Can control is easyier to pick up on/learn so yah its bad to see a sloppy piece but that can be worked on easyier then true style
  11. Klone

    Klone Senior Member

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    i think can control should come first though..cause think about, why would you have a nice piece or mural done with like crazy style but then takin a step back to look at it an such, there's like no can control at all...the way I like to view it as is like can control can be practised by little things such as throw ups or tags or whatnot, and style can be practised on as you elevate in both skills, u can try to combine them both and eventually, it'll fall into one piece. I'm still tryin to develop style..and some can, juss stickin with throwies for now..but im tryn. B)
  12. Crook

    Crook Member

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    i voted style, mostly because that is what youare known for, can control plays a big role also so its hard to just say one or the other....
  13. Decade

    Decade Senior Member

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    style is what makes peoples shit unique. Can cantrol is really important but i think new and different styles is what keeps people interested, or "catches the eye" plus i dont want to be looking at thesame sort of thing all the time. even though i respect all forms of graff :ph34r:
  14. JetBlack

    JetBlack Elite Member

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    I know what your sayin, and on first glance I like Fisiks piece a lot more, but then after the closer views of the pieces, I went with Skape. I liked Fisiks style more, but without that cleanliness...I dunno. Just doesnt look good.

    You gotta have that can control. The illest styles look like shit if your lines arent clean and your fill in is all over the place.
  15. kicklip9634

    kicklip9634 Senior Member

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    if you have can control and do stuff clean then i think youre gonna get more respect then if u got a ill style but it got mad drips
  16. masguerido561

    masguerido561 Member

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    can control isnt as important as style, easy and readable is the mos important
  17. Lester Berns

    Lester Berns Senior Member

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    What a stupid question...
  18. ebunny91

    ebunny91 Member

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    wtf? it takes control to have style. d-d-d-dumb*ss
  19. FailOne

    FailOne Senior Member

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    This is an easy one, both are about as important, ive seen simples done clean as fuck, nice and appealing to the eye, but gets boreing to some extent. Or wildstyles that have such a nice style, but lack in controll and looks somewhat messy. But when you combine both, thats where its at. Although i personally found can controll much easier to get down then a solid style.
  20. oblivios

    oblivios Senior Member

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    its probably been said a few times exactly like this but can control is simply more important.

    writers like trik show that with good can control u can rock the simplist style out their and it still never gets boring! but if u cant keep ur hand steady but have style like causr ur piece will still look like complete shit!

    on the other hand nobody will ever get lines as clean as trik so to be a true king u gota have both (NOT SAYING I DO)