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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Msfyt, May 7, 2007.

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  1. yakrian

    yakrian Senior Member

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    I gotta agree, peers don't generally have the stamina to truly help you through serious depression.

    And I feel like saying this much: Everyone who has talked shit about Msfyt since I first started lurking this place in early '05...You can shove every syllable up your ass.
  2. Oink.

    Oink. Elite Member

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  3. SoketSBK

    SoketSBK Member

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    I was depressed a while back and thinkin hard about suicide, then i found the straight edge movement, shit changed me around, bein around alcoholics and druggies was old for me, so i moved on from that shit, and from the straight edge movement found graf, alot of ppl (writers even) would be suprised at the amount of sober kids who do graf, its gettin big w/ sxe
    if your feelin down w/ that shit and your into rock/metal/punk type of shit then check that type of shit out and get away from the drugs/alcohol...when some ppl get depressed the turn to it, i started to turn to alcohol, but when i turned my shit around and sobered up i was able to kick the depression and get a positive outlook
    those of you who drink and smoke and have no desire to give it up, more power to you, hopefully it never bites you in the ass or causes anyone pain, jst keep writin either way
  4. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    i have nothing but respect for people who can claim the edge and keep it. word to you. and im glad you're not one of those close minded edgers who hates people who drink and smoke. i hang around a lot of edgers, and they're just as good of friends as the ones i smoke with. and i have a lot more respect for people like you who claim it for a reason. it's good to have that story to go along with it, and it probably is a lot more meaningful to you than to someone who claims for the sake of being drug free. even if along the line, you end up breaking, it doesn't matter at all, so don't let people talk shit on you if you ever do. i hate that.

    but yeah, i don't really know anyone who has a reason like that, so it's kind of cool to hear that. so in a way, straight edge saved your life.
  5. JackJill

    JackJill Elite Member

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    Word. Sometimes it's chemical, ie: that's what my problem is.
    Depression for me is not being able to produce enough endorphins or whatever they're called in the winter because I'm not getting the vitamins the sun sends through my eyes. It's always/ usually dark here in Canada in that season. Endorphins make you happy. I'm not making enough endorphins. Therefor I'm not happy. But that's putting it mildly, I've been dealing with this for almost 6 years now. It gets tough, but family helps, when you think back on the past years. Pets help too. :wub: spike:
  6. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    I know we lost waster, but who was the other. I dont mean any disrespect to whomever it was but im just curious.

    like you jackjill im also chemicly depressed and it ususaly getts to be the worse during the winter.

    But one of my friends has a brain tumor that pushes against the area of her brain that produces endorphins causing her serotonin levels to sky rocket. luckily her tumor is beniegn or what ever its called to its harmless but she doesnt care anyway because of her extreeme happyness
  7. trupe

    trupe Member

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    sadly to say iv been there dun that got the t shirt n it aint a very nice 1!!! i was about 12 i think wen i did it i had a run in with my bro(4 years older) n i cba to live thru it any more kuz it happend alot so i popped a load of pills but it dnt word(well i chickend out of w8 4 them 2 take hold properly) so i ended makin mah self throw up violantly to get them out of my system then i went 2 hospial where they make meh drink ground down charcole and water (yuk!!!!!!!!!! the sick it blak 2:0) then i had 2 c a si-ciatrist and family counciler and my liver hasnt reli recoverd i dnt think because i still get pains (i there the over dose or drinkin lol) but that off the point!!! just think who your herting if you to du it!!!i kno iv been thru seeing maa fam breaking down around meh so its not gd 4 any 1!
  8. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    what are you, 10 years old?

    you should go see a si-ciatrist
  9. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    I would like to recommend a book to you guys. It's called 'Night Falls Fast'. I forget the name of the author, but she spent years working with suicide survivors. Her book is a collection of stories of suicide victims and survivors, and an in-depth analysis of the phenomenon. One of the few books that I can honestly say changed my life.
  10. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    when i watch my mom look out of her window for ten minutes straight jumping around, my step dad sleeping on the couch.

    homies shootin up daily smokin crack doin the same shit.

    its a downward cycle of depression and hiding it, letting loose.

    smokin and drinkin is just accelerating the anxietys that i wish i could aleviate
  11. Sner!

    Sner! Member

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    good thread.

    i think about suicide no joke like at least 10 times a day.

    but i know i would never do it, i just wonder what life would be like without me there and shit like that.

    like i get sent to the admin at my school about 3 times a week for the most bullshit stuff, and every time i go and im sitting waiting for our prick assistant pricipal to talk to me, i wonder if i could like pull out my pencil and rip my neck open or somethign like that.

    its a pretty fucked up thought, but ive been holding that shit up for a while and i just thought bombing science would be the place to say it because i dont have any people that actually know me on here. i dont ask for this shit to go through my head. it just does.

    good thread though.

    maybe this will bring amore serious caring light to bombing science instead of the constant "YOU FUCKING TOYYYY, TAKE YOU SKETTCHHHH OFFF YOU N00BBBBB, GODDD YOUR SHITTTS FUCKIGN WACCKKKKCKCKCKCKCK!!!!1!!!111!11!!!one!!1!1!"

    this should help alot of kids realize there not alone.

    GEE-DOT-ONE Senior Member

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    dude i know what you mean

    like the thought comes in my head of who would care if shit happened to me

    i live for my sisters and i know i cant do anything to myself because i want them to be so fuckin happy....

    but ive always wondered what if i jus walked into school and blew my brains onto the wall like in full metal jacket...

    pretty fucked up shit.. i think its worse that i have them thoughts when im not serious about suicide anymore
  13. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    i wish i could show you all how highschool really doesnt compare to adult life
    and all the shit you have to put up with in highschool regarding teachers, restrictions, degradation, judgemental teenagers, bullying, etc just doesnt exist or exists in a more livable way

    sadly depression will be more about money and love when you get older
  14. writer

    writer Member

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    i think its good to make this thread is sadly for family suicide is serius problem i think mebay i wrong but fuck you then

    GEE-DOT-ONE Senior Member

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    i know that, my troubles have nothing to do with school bullshit

    its shit like my moms been fighting breast cancer for a wile now, and now shes starting to give up all hope and that kills me to see her decinding death is an option. i have a little brother who lives with my dad, he was born deaf and now has glaucoma and severe autism. i havent seen him in 2 years and i know my dad used to beat me when i would see him so im afraid of what hes doin to my little siblings...
    its shit that induvidually i can deal with... but when it all happens at the same time its pretty fuckin overwelming... specially when the only person helpin me through this is my twin... she means the world to me
  16. Desipher

    Desipher Guest

    Holy shit this week can't get any worse first I get hit by a car then my gf dumps me on her b-day and now I'm getting kicked out <_< well atleast i met some hot chicks who helped me thru the depression :D
  17. Robbie P

    Robbie P Senior Member

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    Depression is a bitch, you really just have to cope with it. I've coped with the fact that I'm going to die young. Really just embrace life and those that make it something you enjoy.
  18. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    mind over matter is sometimes all it takes
    of course there are many genetic factors but still, i believe the mind can cure itself
  19. toxus

    toxus Elite Member

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    Thucking weird people on this planet.
  20. revolt92

    revolt92 Banned

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    That's not ALWAYS the case, i know alot of people who have been chucked out at home, lost loved one's among other things, lifes a bitch! remember that.

    Suicide? yeah i've thought about it a couple of times, about this time last year i was so close to just ending my life because it seemed as though my whole world had just gone, thankfully i realised that it's not just worth it, there's things you can do, people you can see to help you. So if you ever think about it just think to yourself, "is it worth it".

    There was a 3yr old who was depressed.