He probably didnt do it to save the others, but to make himself feel better. It sounds weak but its true
That's just dumb tho. How would he feel better?? He'd be dead. Believe me. Not every act is selfish.... But I totally agree that humans are selfish beings.
just the other day a 7th grader in a school I'm my area tried to commit suicide by spraying axe down his throat in the locker room after school, he ended up passing out haven't seen him since. hope that kid is ok
Oh my gosh NO!! IM A MARINE!! And I would gladly give myself for the rest of my platoon. It's either one person dying or all of us. You learn that in basic. There is nothing selfish about it. We'll all die as heroes anyways...
criscros you are NOT hero, and never will be, youre just a blind pawn who's actually doing 'evil' work.... you were just scared by bullshit about people trying to take your liberty and harm your loved ones.
No not at all. I'm fighting to protect the liberty of every American, I'm not fighting for any religious reason. I'm nt scared of anything, I just have faith in an all powerful, all knowing God. There is nothing "evil" about me. But 2mor has some sort of grudge against me, for what I don't know, perhaps he's jealous, scared, or insecure. I could be very wrong about everything I believe in, but then again so could he...
Well he kind of did, he said I was doing "evil work", and im a solder, and how can there be evil unles there is good, and because I'm a christian i must be fighting for evil, or religion, but really I'm only fighting to protect HIS liberty and HIS freedom. Some people just don't know how to be appreciative....
Are you just writing random words? You MUST have misinterpreted what he said because that makes no fucking sense. Peace, not gonna respond on this offtopic bullshit anymore.
Here is a Video of a Drawing I made of one of my good friends that committed Suicide in February 24th, 2006... I Loved this Kid and it still hurts to think of it six years later. Suicide is real and has a various range of effectiveness.