fuck u hatin on canada... canada has a fucking ill scene ur jus a selfish nyc head.... u aint the only one gettin ur NAME up sorry to tell ya that y not post pics of around ur city if u think usa is so much better.. u jus post reposts of ur same old shit! i respect ur stuff but ur a cocky son of a bitch [Broken External Image]:http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/7391/im001446dk7.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/4904/im003370nz8.jpg
im not from new york thats what u dont get. and i do post mad flicks from the citiies i live in. its called 12 oz. bombing science is strictly for posting my flicks so youz can bitch about them. i posted name flicks in the LA thread on 12 oz, the nyc thread, the pittsburgh thread, the boston thread and the cleveland thread. i never said canada has a "bad" scene. theres alota good writers. but alot of what i see from canada is some young buck, montana colors, out in the cuts, style jocked off of bombing science throw ups. yeah i said it wooop woop. canada has a cool train scene but you aint ever gonna be considered up unless u put in work in the states. and by work i mean what i do. moving to a city for 4 months destroying it and leaving. i dotn mean going to nyc for a week vacation and slapping up mad stickers and catching tags in lower manhattan. all that shit is temporary. anyways i am a cocky bastard i just dont like u 2 steppin muther fuckers who say "oh i wish i could go over that name tag, though name is still sick!" faggots worry about other people to much . sorry maybe im a little abriasive for you canadians. i appologize i was raised in poverty in the big grimey cities of the usa. DO YOU
eyes is toronto.... [Broken External Image]:http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/3333/im003035zi7.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/3049/im003048lx2.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/18/im003065ls7.jpg
I live in columbus. But I really like the philly style. Should I keep it? I like it. But mines def needs to improve.
**** please if u ever wanna 2nr shit to ride in ny slow your role. i was just fuckin with the kid, shit. off my jock yo .