Look at mine and your post count... And anyway I`m feeling bad cause today everything has gone wrong... I even almost crashed my car today.. and I didn`t had any coffee to the below post: It is not about the post count.. It is about what he said... That I will never survive... As you see I`m quite a time on here and so I know how the regime on here is..
rehab and cesk keep practicing for at least a few weeks, then come back asking for crits. work on flow and style.
Haha yeah man, i just switched to this name today, so I mean do you have any tips? Besides flow and style?
woo i suck. i wanted to add something like everyone does er, and ism and shit, but woer? woeism is alright..but idk doesnt sound good. so i made woezr, woeski and woesef:]
wilshire normandie [Broken External Image]:http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q291/tonygspot/toyalleysin.jpg
Didn't juice the nib enough :/ Sin go simple sketch more Stay off the streets. alph lose your arrows go simple. Easer dope hand looks like it dosn't really have control to it though, try not to overlap the letters too much woe the woezr hand did it for me keep that imo, your handies are getting pretty dope
yarbles thats one of your first tags that ive had trouble reading edit- i see the aekz now it just took a minute, the tall K screwed me up ive caught so many tags lately but no pics , ill try and get some soon
hah me too, but I usually go out the next day to get flicks, and this place is becoming buff city I need to get some better ink
thanks for all the crits guys! yarbles that looks like you were inna rush man. easer thats tight man, lovin the E's and the S