[Broken External Image]:http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd224/rsakens/IMG_0031.jpg?t=1217760156 [Broken External Image]:http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd224/rsakens/IMG_0030.jpg?t=1217760097 [Broken External Image]:http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd224/rsakens/tag.jpg?t=1217760007 [Broken External Image]:http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd224/rsakens/IMG_0035.jpg?t=1217759934 [Broken External Image]:http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd224/rsakens/Foto-0004-1.jpg?t=1217759884 [Broken External Image]:http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd224/rsakens/IMG_0032.jpg?t=1217759905
@rsakens = nice tags... like the 4th pic the best @Mr yarbles = cant really read it .... abit messy keep it more simple. not bad though @terkoe = keep practicing mate ... make the letters smaller and closer in and forget about the arrow coming of the N ok here is my merp13 tag. i done it with my new squeezer filled with krink please give critz so tell me what you think and how i can improve it . thanks
Different one fucked up the o and yeah the other one was rushed and it was a really small space. keana those handsteezes are dope merp it looks good, but kinda hard to tell from that angle
looks good merp, but i'd say clean up the "M" because it looks like maybe an "a" and an "n", get rid of the quotes and bring the underline up so it crosses the R and P.
i see the r, but if i no one had told me that said cream itd be incomprehensible. just make it a little more legible and itll be good
aeks- your handstyle is coming along nicely, getting more and more towards your own style... keep it up cream- clean it up a little, make it a bit more legible maybe