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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Denz_one, Jul 11, 2005.

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  1. Eclectic Boogaloo

    Eclectic Boogaloo Senior Member

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    @upper90 i fucking hate when kids post like 8 different tags with 1 different letter begging people to choose which one is best. they all suck. fucken do keyboard letters .

    SIFEN- that first one the FIN is dope, make the S and I curve to go with that style
  2. weedeater

    weedeater Senior Member

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    you need to sketch alot more and work on your letter structure. you are wasting paint, on the first one, you had a whole wall to play with, and you started in the middle and had to corner the bitch, why? not hating, just letting you know you are going to regret all of that later down the road. especially if you get popped for it.
  3. Lumen

    Lumen Member

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    As soon as I laid down the M i realized i didn't give myself enough room and felt retarded about it, but i had already came that far so i figured id run with it ya know- i am sketching a lot more and it is helping, just spacing and structure alone, but i ain't taking nothing as negative, i have eyeballs too ya know i can see this garbage so don't feel bad for throwing crit my way, its up here for a reason, and in the toy thread for GOOD reason. Also, i didn't have a whole wall, there were about 2 or 3 "others" there already, plus VS spotlighted once where i had to hop the wall and chill for a minute, then they rolled back later during the outline- the whole time i kept thinking i better not get flicked over this gay ass tag.... a burner down the road, bring it- but this garbage, i would have been sick....
  4. weedeater

    weedeater Senior Member

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    lumen, what im saying is that theres a good 4 feet or more to the left of your L that you could have used as a starting point, and you didnt
  5. NouveauP

    NouveauP Elite Member

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    For real, Lumen. Stop painting and start hitting books. Work ONLY in black and white for a bit, don't even bother with colors. Fill up spiral notebooks with handstyles, sketch a lot of straight letters (no funny business) and maybe even play with throws (some may say I have that backwards. To each his own. Personally, I think a straight letter is much easier than crafting a strong throw)
  6. Lado

    Lado Senior Member

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  7. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    ladotch - simple and easy got that now try put a little style into those letters nothing major jus little tweaks

    high and psn down now i might sketch a little more ... i know some things aren't right but is there anything I can build off add to add a lil more flavor to my handy?

  8. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    not feeling it pesue that E i maaad wack and the S tu big and take the $ things off the U looks like an O try making them lower case and see how that works out
  9. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    word just a shot high doodling its pesoe ive got a basic hand jus tryin to evolve it somehow
  10. Lumen

    Lumen Member

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    I feel ya, its hard not to paint really. Even tho i know its not going to be all crisp and burnin the feeling while painting is hard to pass up...but i gotts say that as soon as i started sketching my game tightened up with paint..probably take your advice and sketch it up for a few months then hit the bricks again and see if i get any no funny business.....every time i start doing something basic i want to play with it and add shit...thats usually where things go sour....and then to weedeater...yes i know, i didn't plan the space well at all --amateur mistake i guess. Like i said i know i messed it up, but what should have i done ya know once started...what do you guys do if poor planning or other situation leaves you with no room? the spacing wasn't the only huge mistake, all the letters seem to ride up diagonally- so size wise their all off too. Plus I tried adding to many things that i just wasn't capable of yet with paint...the quicker black book version of that tag was pretty dope but can control and toy tactics left the paint version out to dry. I really am a decent artist but transferring over to city landscape and pigment is different and i keep trying to rush i have sooo many ideas and have the balls to hit the spots, i aint got shit to do -psn is down for the count, and I have an ass breezy job so time and money really are not an issue...all i want to do is these big amazing pieces in the most ridiculous spots but the paitence to get there......hard to keep hold of that
  11. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    alphabet! which letters are solid and which need work? apologies for the bottom of the K running through the S and T

  12. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    B,C,D,E,F,G,J,K,L,N,P,R,S,T,,U,V,Y need work

    @lumen when you realize you fucked up you stop, and then fix it... sometimes that means starting over
  13. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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  14. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    is english used a lot there? Whats the dominant language?

    anyways nice hand
  15. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    yeah basically everyone speaks english, even sometimes more than they speak arabic (myself for example)
    but arabic is the dominant language. and the 3rd lang is french
  16. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    haha Phat, that lil phrase next to your hand is money.

    hows this for a one liner?
  17. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    ^cant read it

    french really? thats something i wouldnt have guessed
  18. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    yeh french... see following the collapse of the ottoman empire after World War I, our country was mandated to France. so they taught us a whole lotta things and the language was a big deal. You couldn't live right around the country if you didn't learn french.

    and dankbudz, he;s right, the tag is illegible, does it say semen? lol
  19. Stigma02

    Stigma02 Senior Member

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  20. wackiwo

    wackiwo Member

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    dont put all the +'s in it...