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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Denz_one, Jul 11, 2005.

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  1. MASE P_2s

    MASE P_2s Senior Member

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    lol everyone has their own meaning of flow just do you ill post a tag of your name later so you see what i mean....dnt bite it thou lol my hands arent the best
  2. Raiders9406

    Raiders9406 Member

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    haha no worries man, I'm a newbie, I couldn't diss on anyone if they deserved it. Plus that's not really me, haha. I'll post more after you later.
  3. MASE P_2s

    MASE P_2s Senior Member

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    yea iknow its bad but it should help you a little ai27.photobucket.com_albums_c156_emienpimp_ffff.jpg
  4. Raiders9406

    Raiders9406 Member

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    No I wouldnt say its bad, but its not my style, well the style I want to do, but I do appreciate the feedback:) Like I said, it's not mine.

    Here are some new ones.

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  5. MASE P_2s

    MASE P_2s Senior Member

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    lol i only posted so you know what i ment by flow but yea these new one looking nice
  6. Raiders9406

    Raiders9406 Member

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    Aw yeah I know, I was just givin' my petty two cents on it, lol. And thanks man, the one to the left of the scribbled out one, I tried to have a bar going through about the center of it, I'm still feelin' the sharper looking ones better, when they're close that is.
  7. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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  8. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    i like the first one alot except the E and take the lil addons off plus the arrow
  9. EWL24

    EWL24 Senior Member

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  10. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    try the letters a bit more seperated and simplet like keyboard letters and Gs look better lowercase IMO
  11. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    come to think of it, I AM all city as a matter of fact
    but what does a halo have to do with being all city?
  12. Nemo2

    Nemo2 Member

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    I think hes getting confused with a crown and being king of the line. Obvouisly hasnt done his homework :)
  13. Nemo2

    Nemo2 Member

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    Oh and by the way, this is me, crits are welcomed, which is best in your opinion? And the first letters a N in case you cant read it to well.

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  14. nah!

    nah! Banned

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    practice 5 because the n's on all the others are gay
  15. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    when you are KING! you put a crown
    when your all city you put a halo go grab a book and buy a graff doc :)
  16. unknown--

    unknown-- Member

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    @nemo the last on is okay but try simple


    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2011
  17. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    better better fux that R and thke the '' off and the S
  18. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    no you see now youre just repeating yourself book boy. I asked you what does a halo have anything to do with being all city
    from what I know, they are associated with angels, giving out the idea that the writer is a god of pure skill in a sense. They're a sign of good -as opposed to evil- as the writer would just be out to bomb without any other bad intent or criminal activity.
    They can also mean that the tag is placed in a heaven spot.
    And finally, when someone puts up another writer's tag with a halo over it, then they mean that that writer is deceased or done writing; Halos are circles, circles represent eternity because they never end, therefore that writer will never be forgotten.

    go ahead and tell me what does all city have to do with it
  19. Nemo2

    Nemo2 Member

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    Sifer - I like the third one best, but you could add the dots youve put either side of the last one on it to add something to it.
    And skinaone, Ive bought quite a few books and documentaries in my time, watch a few on youtube yourself before making yourself look like an uneducated fag.
  20. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    since i started wrtting in 09 they tought me that you dont put halos unless your all city ive read books docs and they allso repreent angels adn what you said you put crowns if your king idk why you put a halo of your all city but thats the way i was tought idk i thought it was the same for evey part of the world
    @nemo SCREW YOU BITCH your time? youve been writing for like four months! ive watched soooo many documentars and talk to sooo many writes from u.s and venezuela so gtfo brah

    i like the other E better eveybody is using that E im using that E adn i hate it ahhah
    take the extra dot of the i and teh botom line on the F is too long
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2011