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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Denz_one, Jul 11, 2005.

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  1. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    haha that's how he likes it though. He's done his time, he's mastered his simples. Look at each letter individually, they look sick on their own.
  2. Skadeem

    Skadeem Senior Member

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    He's not too bad but I disagree with the above statement......the o with the crosshairs? cmonnnnnnn

    Here's the shit I'm wanting to perfect. Top one's newest, probably could work on spacing some things out. Middle one's my favorite and it's always been, but I might have gotten a little crazy with it. Lower right hand one is something I'm trying to get good with streaks but it looks like shit for the most part.

    Arrow between letters is good or bad?

    Another for those interested, trying to figure out the slanted one more, others are somewhat shitty although I love doin' 'em quick n sloppy like that.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  3. sadgeh

    sadgeh Senior Member

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    yes of course its his style and its what he likes but in my eyes it would have looked doper if he doesnt put funk in each letter.
    Yes every letter is dope on their own but together it must be one total picture what makes it and by this its not.
  4. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    are you this naked you keep talking about?
  5. Mr. November

    Mr. November Senior Member

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    Yeah hah I've noticed he always refers to himself in third person.
  6. Colors

    Colors Banned

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  7. sadgeh

    sadgeh Senior Member

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    Who are you then?
  8. BennyBoii

    BennyBoii Senior Member

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    just messing around with some styles
    sorry it's only a bic pen i had nothing else P1030243.jpg P1030244.jpg
  9. Mr. November

    Mr. November Senior Member

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    You don't really know what you're going for do yah? You need to have some sort of feel. As in curvy or jagged. You're trying to mush jagged and curvy into a single tag and it isn't coming off real nice.

    Find something that works somewhat and write it 1000 times.
  10. BennyBoii

    BennyBoii Senior Member

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    Thanks which one do u like, and I'll work off that
  11. Mr. November

    Mr. November Senior Member

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    The first is the most put together one whereas the second one the letters just don't seem to stick together.
  12. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    @Benny: Tags are writing your name. You want a fluid motion with your letters, not to force it. Here's an example of simplifying your letters and not forcing style, and honestly I just put more flare into the outer letters since they have room to breath.

  13. toopski

    toopski Guest

    best advice is simple shit looks better then shit where you over add style to everything if u can master a simple style tag to be ill you can do anything with a tag
  14. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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  15. Norfsuthr

    Norfsuthr Elite Member

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    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  16. mace2200

    mace2200 Senior Member

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    @benny the o on the 2nd one looks really dumb with the arrow coming out of it
  17. Mr. November

    Mr. November Senior Member

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    So I got a mop today. First tag with a mop had no idea what I was doing.

    First Mop.jpg
  18. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    Lol congrats on popping your mop cherry. Now relax your hand when you tag, I can tell you are nervous because of some of those hectic lines. And your tag level isn't ready for a slant, keep it flat.
  19. Mr. November

    Mr. November Senior Member

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    You see that light to the top left? 3 cars were in line to this taco place, and it felt like they were all staring at me. I just came out of the place that my dad and I were eating and tried it out. I just couldn't wait I don't know haha
  20. Skadeem

    Skadeem Senior Member

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    god dammit....i was gonna make ink tonight but five hours of sleep and weed does that to a man. plus drawing is fun. what was I doing....ah...crits pretty please?
