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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Denz_one, Jul 11, 2005.

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  1. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    Take off the cross bar and the J and get the halo and quotes off.

  2. elesdee

    elesdee Member

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    ^just keep everything the same size, pretty simple though.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
  3. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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  4. toopski

    toopski Guest

    who is this aimed @?
  5. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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    ^guy that posted stickers
  6. toopski

    toopski Guest

    he has a flick with tags on stickers so what
  7. !KO!

    !KO! New Member

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    hey im new to this site and i was just wondering if u could look at my tag for a sec and tell me what u think and give me some feed back
    any help would be much appreciated Photo0294.jpg
  8. toopski

    toopski Guest

    you need to work on it a lot

    it aint hard to have a good tag hell half the tags i do look like im using my normal handwriting
  9. BennyBoii

    BennyBoii Senior Member

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    @!KO!-make ur letters closer, don't leave as much room between the letters
  10. !KO!

    !KO! New Member

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    thx bro im gonna give it a try and repost in a few days and lets c what happens
  11. toopski

    toopski Guest

  12. Gezus

    Gezus Member

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    photo 2.jpg photo 3.jpg photo 1.JPG
    my tag, real quick throwup and my latest piece before ive added any colour. lemme know what y
  13. Gezus

    Gezus Member

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    fuck lmfao these are huge xD sorry guys, lemme know what you think
  14. Evow1

    Evow1 Senior Member

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    well the bottom two arnt tags for starters..
  15. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    Don't. and also, don't sketch your tags. You're not going to take that kind of time with a spray can. I'm positive you have never got up before.
  16. how can sheban!?

    how can sheban!? Banned

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    someone writes GZOS in my city
  17. -NiSe-

    -NiSe- Senior Member

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    Hey guys this tag is something im working on and i need some thing to make it a little better ..... any ideas? ("CMG")
    IMG_20120107_233106.jpg IMG_20120107_233112.jpg
  18. Gezus

    Gezus Member

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    @evow, lmfao im aware of that.. im pretty sure i said, 1 tag, 1 throwup, 1 piece im not that new. @phillip why not? is it taken :p? and all i did was add some blue because i was bored, and yeah i am new to this but to be honest i just got back from bombing
  19. -NiSe-

    -NiSe- Senior Member

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    Might not involve me but first off this thread is for tags "ONLY", and also when he said "and also, don't sketch your tags" and your response was i only added blue im sure he was referring to the black that looks like you slashed constantly to create an affect...... a tag doesnt involve stuff like that.... its basically plain writing with normal lines, and then you can get more complex as in tighter letters or 'effects' that you can produce with a spray can like this :[Broken External Image]: and others that im too lazy to think of....NOT the 'slashing' that you did mainly because a tag is intended to be quick. Phillip was saying that your not going to have time to do that quickly while your tagging. Thats all
  20. Skadeem

    Skadeem Senior Member

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    Toopskis on point. I like it. Finally got a wide nib again, it's been a while....and no I don't only tag bathrooms.

    and uh nise....dont put that shit up. stickers are fun to get more elaborate on but that doesn't mean put in extra arrows and exclamation marks.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012