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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Denz_one, Jul 11, 2005.

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  1. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    Real nice on the top one Skadeem. Drop the oner though, It'll look better alone imo.
  2. Evow1

    Evow1 Senior Member

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  3. Gezus

    Gezus Member

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    @nise ahh i was gonna say lmfao that makes sense, it isnt normally like that but like i said i was bored and i felt like making it pretty :p sorry i havnt been able to get onto here for a few days the sites been fucked or something
  4. Skadeem

    Skadeem Senior Member

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    hahaha I like the balls on the alien. tags dope too
  5. illegal_drugs

    illegal_drugs Senior Member

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  6. asgoodasitgets

    asgoodasitgets Member

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  7. Skadeem

    Skadeem Senior Member

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    oker those elmers silver markers suck and that doesnt really fit the sticker too well imo
    rasn pay attention to how the nib of the markers lined up before you start the tag so you dont get those skinny ass vertical lines, dont put the left leg of the n on top of the s let it be its own letter, work on your fluidity and making smooth lines and you'll have a nice tag. and dont go crazy with the dots and lines
  8. 206sape

    206sape Member

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    just work on your letters find the best ones and make em work into a sick word
  9. 206sape

    206sape Member

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    IMG_0672[1].jpg this toy ass fool sten. needless to say i keyed the shit out of that slap...
  10. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    Last edited: Jan 14, 2012
  11. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    The M could get a little thicker to match the other letters. Otherwise I like.
  12. IbuprofenTablets

    IbuprofenTablets Banned

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    My man, you need to learn what flow is.
    Seems to me like you're not very conscious of the manner in which you lean your letters.
    Make sure your letters are generally the same width and length, and lean in a uniform manner.

    Don't flick the A out to the right like you did. This diminishes any potential flow you had.

    Tags should look like this:


    Not like:

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2012
  13. 206sape

    206sape Member

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    its not beef hes just too toy for me not to cross him out.
  14. Simon

    Simon Senior Member

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  15. Jake_NN_Bake

    Jake_NN_Bake Senior Member

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  16. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    got it, though I need some crits on the bottom one. not the top one.
    let me say though, that I'm fully aware of the fact that the letters need to be the same width and height, and if you disregard the way that A extends and cut it off at the rest of the letter's bottom line, you can see that the A has the same width and height of the T and E... then you got the W which I agree that it's bigger than the rest. and the R is bigger on purpose coz it's the last letter and you can like go a bit nuts with the last letter and the way you end your word... but remove all the extensions, the A's whip, top spike, and the W's left whip. and you can say that it's a fine tag, can't you?

    when it comes to flow, you're right I still gotta practice that. I'm still on it..
  17. sadgeh

    sadgeh Senior Member

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    The O in the Venom tag is reminding me off the logo from white power.
  18. duley

    duley Member

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  19. duley

    duley Member

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  20. duley

    duley Member

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