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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Denz_one, Jul 11, 2005.

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  1. 9ToTheOH

    9ToTheOH Senior Member

    • Messages: 51
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    Pencil sketch, sorry about the quality haha. Should I scrap?

  2. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    you should not waste any more of your time on graffiti.
    if you don't. you will get frustrated at how you never advance, and at how everyone will tell you that your shit sucks. and in case you go out painting, how everyone'll be bad mouthing you and crossing you out.
    later on, like after a few months. or at most a year. you will regret wasting all that time on something that never got you anywhere except the experience, which, let's face it, is never gonna come in handy with your future proffessional carreer. you will regret wasting all your time and wished you spent it doing something more fruitful.

    graff potential shows up from somebody's VERY first sketch. It's very distinguishible whether someone's got room for improvement or not only by looking at a few lines of theirs.
    graff potential is something half the toy forum lacks... half of that half are stubborn and refuse to accept it and insist that "graff is an art, and has no rules" and go on doing the same thing, and getting treated the same way forever. the other half are smarter and switch hobbies before they waste too much of their time... especially online.
    which half you side with is your choice alone, and will make no difference to any of us as we will go on living our lives with or without you.
    choose wisely though and remember my words

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
  3. Norfsuthr

    Norfsuthr Elite Member

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    Everyone's awful when they start out, but if you really enjoy writing you'll get better slowly. If not, you'll quit. No sense in telling you to quit because %80ish of toys quit within the month anyway. If you're in it for the long haul just do what you love...

    But that is a hell of an ugly tag. your handwriting makes a better handstyle than that shit.
  4. 9ToTheOH

    9ToTheOH Senior Member

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    Directed towards me? I guess so, that kinda hurts. I've been writing for like a week, I'm just experimenting. I'm not going to stop because I suck I'm doing it because I like to express myself.

    I'll throw up something else then.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
  5. toopski

    toopski Guest

    that line there could be used against 80% of the ppl posting in the toy section for handstyles no joke
  6. 9ToTheOH

    9ToTheOH Senior Member

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  7. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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    oh. i didnt even click those links. i dont really care if someone else writes the same word, they are in a different country. im sure nearly everyone has someone else writing the same word as them somewhere. doesnt mean shit really.
  8. SkateJunt

    SkateJunt Senior Member

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  9. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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  10. SynOne

    SynOne Senior Member

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    Guys, take it from someone who was just like you all, I didn't really listen to shit. I was told to go more simple, I tried going a little more simple, and just kept getting shot down and told more and more to go more simple. Finally I did. Now I'm 100% glad I did. YOU ALL NEED TO GO MORE SIMPLE! (Cept for some, and you know who you are.) If you're not sure that you don't need to go more simple, go more simple. You need to understand why shit looks good before you can muster up anything that looks remotely decent. Shit, I'm still bad, I'm still toy as fuck, hell I don't even have close to the rights to post in intermediate.... But seriously guys. Cut the shit or split.
  11. SkateJunt

    SkateJunt Senior Member

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    ehh whatever i was just experamenting for the battle, its not what I write, i neeever add anything to my hands, i just have a simple style with maybe 1 underline or something
  12. Shofs17

    Shofs17 Member

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    Any advice on how to improve it?
  13. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    dunno what the first letter says and it doesnt flow with the other letters
    i only like ST
  14. Shofs17

    Shofs17 Member

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    "HASTY" Thats just one of the ways I do H's
  15. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    3 words PLAIN AND SIMPLE
  16. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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  17. Dispute

    Dispute New Member

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    Is this too simple? is it even a decent handstyle?
    Finding it hard to link the D and the i up.

  18. master of seductions

    master of seductions Banned

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  19. SkateJunt

    SkateJunt Senior Member

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    tag i dropped today with a brand new dalo marker, i love it so far
    , any crits on the hand through?
    Untitled by Stewart Stevenson, on Flickr
  20. SynOne

    SynOne Senior Member

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    Dispute - Make sure you dot that I, and don't let your T cross through your E, maybe italicize it. Keep writing it, it will develop more and more, then you can start trying small new things. It'll come.