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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    dude i think anyone wood go to amsterdam with there GF... i wood thats for damn sure
  2. consume

    consume Senior Member

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    your saying you won't get any seeds when you breed a male and female plant together? if thats the case, then I think you need to check your sources and brush up on breeding a bit more.

    I'm hoping for Amsterdam next year, and BC this summer but we'll see how things work out.
  3. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    amsterdam eh?... leagal marijuana. you 18?
  4. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    STONES ONES Senior Member

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    god damn lucked the fuck out.

    no offence, but are u the kind of guy thats a dick and treats people like shit? u cant blame me for not knowing after reading all the beef on here......

    but anyways you should take this opertunity as a gift from god....haha .........cuz i know for sure its going to be a really good thing for u.
  6. Fear And Loathing

    Fear And Loathing Senior Member

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    damn Car2n thats everything i could ever ask for :lol:
  7. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    its not legal...its tolerated...get your shit straight son.

    STONES ONES Senior Member

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    its not legal...its tolerated...get your shit straight son. [/b][/quote]
    its legal u retard

    they have places called hash bars where its like a coffe shop but the menue is filled with diferant types of weed. and u can use there bongs and bubblers and shit
  9. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    Actually I'm hoping for seeds that are more atune to my climate for next year.
    And spits does that mushroom say LSD? You stupid, I hate you.

    Folks, you getting pussy, chronic and a free trip? I envy you like dikes do men. Well not really "Duffy" hahahahahahahaha... Jk You my nigga.
    I've never even smoked like real hash only finger hash and that black soap bar shit that looks like fucking resin.

    Yo Targon Mouth Wash is the perfect pipe/bong cleaner.
  10. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    its legal u retard [/b][/quote]
    sorry, you're the retard on this one. adamo is right

    STONES ONES Senior Member

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    that's funny because last summer when i went to amsterdam....i went to atleast 10 diferant hash bars. they look like a regular coffe shop. and they are really really common.
  12. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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  13. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    Normally arguing is looked down apon by the stoner thread but I think this is a somewhat worthy topic...

    STONES ONES Senior Member

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    ^^^i agree, its cool to think 2 diferant things and not sound like ass holes.....

    but anyways i dont sais it's illigal but hash bars are aloud to sell it and people over 18 are alowed to carry it????? that doesnt make sense...or am i just retarted?

    STONES ONES Senior Member

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    by the way jerlocks....your sig is fucking priceless. a man with a good sig is a man worth talking to. lol
  16. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    i dunno. when im high i hate to argue but all i do is argue with my friends when im in my normal state of mind. its because when your high your relaxed and dont care much for doing that kind of stuff. but when your mind is actually working you can do it.
  17. cricket

    cricket Elite Member

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    In Amsterdam, there are streets with a beautiful woman in every door way all telling you that they want you.
  18. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    your saying you won't get any seeds when you breed a male and female plant together? if thats the case, then I think you need to check your sources and brush up on breeding a bit more.

    I'm hoping for Amsterdam next year, and BC this summer but we'll see how things work out. [/b][/quote]
    how did i say that? i said if u cross an indica and sativa plant, itll be a hybrid plant with differant strains. thats why its so important too kill/move male plants away from females, becuase if you leave them close the male will polinate the female plant, thus creating seeded bud which no one wants. males create bud, but its seeded. but no i was no sayin u wont get seeds if u cross a male and female plant. thats the only way to create spliced strains and create hybrids for certain climates. beleive me, i know what im talkin bout.

    and bigbomba, yah i got busted, but they didnt bring me too my house, they brought me too havocs. so i was good on that on. we got off easy, there not goin any further with the thing. it was merely a "let ya parents deal wit ya" they brought me to havocs cuz no one at my house was home and they wanted an adult too tell my parents. but they were too lazy too.
  19. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    AA i thought u were out off BS like a fat kid at weight watchers? as far as seeded bud goes ill take it cuzz its cheaper and im patient enought 2 de-seed b4 i smoke so....hehe i dont know what i jsut said
  20. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    ^haha i get what ya mean. and ya i was gonna leave BS but i came back only for the CT thread and this thread. so this is the only activity youll really see me get on BS for now.