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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    you must live up north, thats how it is where im from, i think its 7.50 a pack. In NYC its 7 a pack too, rediculous, thats why 99% of the people down here (older people) its 2.99 a pack...

    i eat alot, and im on a high protein diet, i put on about 8 pounds of muscle in a week :) and still goin at it...

    weed helps me sleep.
  2. Art Vandilay

    Art Vandilay Senior Member

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    up north?

    imnot goin to rikers fuck that im chillin in nyc
  3. Skore_One

    Skore_One Elite Member

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    haha yeah it does depress u when u do it at a young enough age i started when i was 10 im 15 now but it WAS worth it :D cuz if u get depressed just smoke some weed :D i love weed my life is colt 45 weed and painting mostly weed and painting i wouldnt give away a dime 2 save my moms life just put it like that and yeah im high right now (good shit) and i forgot what im talkin about hm meh...

    DEVILEFK Elite Member

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  5. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    My pops would have kicked my ass if I had some bunk so um you wrong... I lub bongs. Car2nist you racist stoner hahahaha... Its like you want people to know but, not you know lol...
  6. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    i dont think weed and depression go hand and hand, i just think we're all at the age where we're at a highest risk of becoming depressed, weed or no weed. for example, up until a year ago i was barely ever smoking weed, and i was more depressed back then... my depression started to give away and thats when i started smoking again, and i havent had any problems with depression at all... i think its just because you are smoking at the same time you would've gone through your normal late-adolescent depression....

    could be wrong though.
  7. Spitz

    Spitz Senior Member

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    You all have great points, its just I don't want to stop. Im not addicted, I thought I was until i forced myself to stop smoking and i didn't have any real cravings for it (mentally). So im good i guess. All of you have good points, its just i dont wanna stop. besides i only smoke w/ a friend, so i always have something to do.
  8. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    no one likes you, just leave.
  9. Spitz

    Spitz Senior Member

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    I hate retards that post stupid shit.
  10. Spitz

    Spitz Senior Member

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    Not u car2n, the guy u quoted

    DEVILEFK Elite Member

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  12. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    thats physically impossible...but ok whatever you say el capitano
  13. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    i wish i could gian 8 pounds of anything in a month.... and yes i am one of "those people" who psot abosolutly nothing in almost every a postwhore and i know it
  14. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    ...thats so... TRUE!

    ive been trying to limit myself... but its hard when its usually always around you, so i havent smoked yesterday, and i usually try to keep myself down to 1 or 2 bowls a day now, and its made ALOT of my depression go away, i used to smoked ALOT, wont say, cause i really dont know, but yea, back then suicidal tendencies were kicked in from a day of not smoking, or smoking, and realizing whats up, but now, i just go through life like its my plan... ya know, school doesnt come easy to me, because I do have ADHD, and i took one test back when i was on 'medication' for it, back when i was 15, i took an IQ test entering a 'alternative school' for kids who misbehave heh, yea, i was a bad kid, and anyways, my IQ was a whopping 149, and i was put into the 'smart' kids classes, they seperated you to keep the annoying trouble makers all confined to one class (with low IQs), and all the ones with potential, in one... i remember alot of the black guys there (no offence) had lower IQs... like 90s... and they were in the more 'remedial classes'...

    WHERE THE FUCK THIS WENT I DONT KNOW, heh, im high, you prolly guessed, went and burned out a hooka and smoked a 2g j o dank, with 4 friends, and its been a day since i smoked, so im pretty high heh, so i rambled on.... i suddenly forgot where my story was going haha.

    this frisco thickburger is dadadadank [/b][/quote]
    an iq of 149???

    Albert Einstein had an iq of 161, 12 points away from your "supposed" iq. Rembrandt van Rijn had an iq of 150, one point away from your supposed iq.

    so either we have one of the worlds greatest geniuses on the board, or an incredible liar
  15. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    thats physically impossible...but ok whatever you say el capitano [/b][/quote]
    adamo, actually its not, ill give you my diet:

    Hardee's Thickburgers every day (lunch, eat a healthy dinner, with a salad preferably)

    2-4 protein shakes a day (with 360 calories per shake)

    and lots of exercise, 100 pushups a night, maybe 50 during the day, and crunches...

    and tony, im not lying, i remember my test quiet well, long, boring, and on adderall, i bet you probably have an IQ up there too, i honestly, wouldnt think i had an IQ that high, but hey, the test showed the truth, and i cant argue it, im not trying to brag about it, being smart is nothing to brag about, especially when im 19 in highschool and still gotta go back next semester for 5 credits, but i dont apply myself, all my teachers say so, and i even got my english teacher to pass me for the year (i had a 20, i rarely went, and when i did go, i just joked around with her, she was a milf)
  16. Bass~choker

    Bass~choker Senior Member

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    good luck with your heart attack.
  17. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    an iq of 149???

    Albert Einstein had an iq of 161, 12 points away from your "supposed" iq. Rembrandt van Rijn had an iq of 150, one point away from your supposed iq.

    so either we have one of the worlds greatest geniuses on the board, or an incredible liar [/b][/quote]
    All geniouses draw pieces on public statues, though you new.
  18. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    diet schmiet...once again...its physically impossible to gain 8 pounds of MUSCLE in one week. So your eating alot of food to gain weight...good start. People who have never worked out in their life and start a good workout program to gain weight/muscle mass may see results of a 3-5 pound gain in the first week MAX ! And thats not all muscle mass...just overall gain of fat/mass. Seeing that you eat thickburgers everyday tho leads me to think most of ur gain is fat. Most likely you've been doing this for a while now so its utterly impossible to gain 8 pounds of MUSCLE MASS. Perhaps if ur on a McDonalds super size me diet then you could gain 8 pounds of fat...but no chance for muscle mass. Now when you have been working out for a weeks and your program is going well, it is possible to gain a MAXIMUM of 1-2 pounds of muscle mass per week...anything more and your putting on more fat then muscle. Furthermore, unless your pumping some iron as won't be gaining muscle. Pushups are utter shit for building your chest...unless your a twig. Pushups work more for chest endurance rather than to gain size and strength. Crunches aren't bad but unless you start doing some weighted AB excersizes you'll never see that 6-pack of the illusive 8 pack. Fuck I wrote my brain hurts. Time to smoke a joint...i'll smoke this one for your success in working out daniel duffey.
  19. Zoydesk.905

    Zoydesk.905 Member

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    me nd some of my buddy are gunna grow its are first time. but we were just wondering how long it takes to get some weed off the plants and any other info would be good thanks.
  20. Bass~choker

    Bass~choker Senior Member

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    first thing grow a couple of plant cuz you might get jiped ang get a male plant useless thats what happind to my friend haha i still pick on him for it