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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. consume

    consume Senior Member

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    get a job hurtbag.
  2. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    haha, i was fuckin arround man.
  3. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    i hate moochers..

    and oblong, if you got an o of that shit on the left, and a half of the shit in the middle, i think you'd be able to pick out some... bigger buds outta it...

    but i seen how you buy your herbs, in those little 'dime baggies' alot of black people use...

    good lookin herbs none the less.
  4. Cherubic Meekus

    Cherubic Meekus Elite Member

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    made my first tulip spliff in a state of boredom yesterday....
  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    haha and you say you dont smoke :p

    those tulips are nice, hits GREAT!
  6. consume

    consume Senior Member

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  7. put5

    put5 Senior Member

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  8. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    william i thought bombing science was gay
  9. put5

    put5 Senior Member

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    you thought right.
  10. RJX

    RJX Senior Member

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  11. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    last nights encounter in point form

    - smoked a joint
    - met up with friends and went to a park
    - rolled some joints on the bench cuz there was absolutly no wind last night...and really warm
    - smoked the joints
    - right after finishing the last joint we see a bright light across the park
    - we realize its cops speeding towards us
    - we dump the roach and i crotch about 4 grams
    - cops tells us the park is closed and asks if we were smoking any weed
    - none of us answered just smiled
    - offers to set us free if we give what remaining weed we have to him
    - we pick up the roach and throw it on the table saying thats the end of it
    - we all deny having weed on us so he searches us
    - stupid pig didn't find my weed
    - whilst they check our records (all clean) i ponder if i should light the roach still on the table that we showed the cop and we break out in laughter
    - cop comes out and says these exact words "unfortunatly it looks like ur all law abiding citizens"
    - we giggle
    - He picks up the roach and says "I'll get rid of this intoxicating substance for you guys"
    - we giggle some more
    - He leaves us with the words "Say No To Drugs" and we hide our laughter but i was dying
    - We leave the park and continue the night around the city
  12. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    i actually laughed at that shit
  13. COLA

    COLA Senior Member

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    Cops don't give a fuck if your smoking a joint. They want to know if your holding. So if your weed is well hidden then you should tell them that you smoked just to piss them off. My friends and I got caught finishing a joint. When the cops asked us what we were doing I told them straight out that we were smoking a joint. The cops asked if we had any other weed and they took our last dime. This was when we were minors and the cops said its better that they caught us smoking then drinking. Fuck the police!
  14. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    your still a minor... your 14...
  15. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    my friend just got arrested he had 19.6 grams of weed on him .3 under a felony
  16. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    ok so me and my friends are chillen at my house and this kid who is a steraight vergin to weed asks me if i have any. i look at my other friend, smile and look back and say "yeah hold on". so i go to get my pipe and put some compressed dried up grass in the bowl. i give it to him and he n*gger lips my pipe first off but then i light it and he sucks in... so he smokes it all. we all go out side and i say "you smoked lawn mowed grass bitch!" and he looks at me and says "i knew something was goping on!"

    so hes all cool about it now but this is something ill have to ry out more often.
  17. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    dude, your a moron, how immature can you get?
  18. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    i guess pretty immature. it was funny tho.
  19. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    that sucks, its ridiculous how crazy the US laws are on weed. here in Canada if you get caught with 30 grams or less of weed on you (or 1 gram or less of hash or oil) then it's just a fine... they ask for ID, write you up a ticket, and you go pay the ticket at the courthouse... just like a speeding ticket or liquor fine. i don't understand why the states are being so gay about drug laws, its bad enough they keep their laws so strict, but whenever canada changed its laws the states were scolding canada...
  20. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    down here they have a 'zero tolerance' for marijuana and drunk driving lol, but yea, they'll take you in for a dime down here sometimes (depends on if the cops a big asshole or not)