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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. joker00

    joker00 Elite Member

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    hahahh yeah some of these ppl on here need a big fuckin dose of that!^

    DEVILEFK Elite Member

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    6 grams of crystal mescaline <3 wussup baby ;) SO ICEY!
  3. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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  4. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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  6. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    [Broken External Image]:

    devils mescaline experience.
  7. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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  8. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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  9. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    slob, ill pay you 100 for a half o of that haha, still alot cheaper than i'd be getting it here
  10. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    no lighter + magnifying glass + hot sun + pipe full of buds = one baked tony
  11. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Saturday morning shift at work + hangover + 3 two-papers + "plan b is just to continue given'er" = my morning.
  12. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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    we picked it up last night, smoked over 1/4 already. good o'll bc fun. fairly tight buds with good crystal content. made a nice mist in the vaporizer.

    well im off too toronto,

    peace for the week bombing science, hopefully ill bring back mad pics from resurface.

    and tony you must be at least 19 too come over :lol:
  13. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    .......721 more days
  14. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    why is everyone like "oh my god i hate you invite me over" its not even that much weed, and its mids at that. They aint even frosty. I seen way better..seen this dude with a half of this blue shit now that is some shit to die for

    dont get me wrong I'd love to have dat shit

    1/8th of shrooms comin my way today hooked fat. I mite post pics, then I mite not cuz this is tha herb thread
  15. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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  16. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    Turn in Drug Users, or face jail time - [War on Drugs]
    Submitted by scienott

    H.R. 1528, Defending America's Most Vulnerable: Safe Access to Drug Treatment and Child Protection Act of 2005, is yet another horrible drug war bill that Congress has considered.

    Among other things, HR 1528:

    --Virtually eliminates the ability of federal judges to give sentences below the minimum sentence recommended by federal sentencing guidelines, essentially creating a mandatory minimum sentence for every federal offense (including both drug and non-drug offenses).

    --Expands the federal “three strikes and you’re out� law to include new offenses, including mandating life imprisonment (with no possibility of parole) for anyone convicted a third time under the RAVE Act.

    --Mandates a 10-year minimum sentence for anyone 21 or older that gives marijuana or others drugs to someone under 18 (i.e. a 21 year old college students gives a joint to his 17-year old brother). A second offense would be life in prison.

    --Expands what is considered to be a “drug-free� school zone to include almost any place in an urban area, and increases penalties for selling or distributing drugs in that area. (The result will be enhanced penalties for people in inner cities, while people in rural and suburban areas get less time for the same offense).

    --Mandates a 5-year minimum sentence for any person that commits a drug trafficking offense near the presence of a person under 18 or in a place where such person resides for any period of time. The sentence is 10 years if they are parent. (I.e. a mother that sells her neighbor a joint will get a 10-year minimum sentence, even if her kids were at school at the time).

    --Creates a new offense for persons who witness or learn about certain drug offenses that fail to report the drug offender to the police within 24 hours or fail to provide full assistance to the police in tracking and prosecuting the offender. Offenses that would get someone a 2-year minimum sentence, including failing to report a neighbor that is storing or selling drugs when that neighbor has kids, failing to report anyone that gives a joint to someone under the age of 21, and failing to report a college student that is selling marijuana on a college campus.

    --Mandates a 5-year minimum sentence for any person that offers, solicits, encourages, or induces a person enrolled in drug treatment, or previously enrolled in drug treatment, to purchase, possess or receive drugs.

    --Makes it a federal crime to provide "drug paraphernalia" to anyone. While the goal is to make it a crime - punishable by up to three years in prison - to give someone a bong as a birthday present, it would also make it a federal crime to provide someone with sterile syringes (except where it is explicitly authorized by local or state law). If enacted, it would essentially criminalize many needle exchange programs.

    H.R. 1528 can be viewed by going to, entering “HR1528� in the search box, checking “enter bill number�, and clicking “search�.
  17. Atom

    Atom Senior Member

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    You should try adrenalacone (SP). Shrooms are cool i had one bad trip wasn't fun so i threw them up, but the other 5 times were cool, i get relapses once and a while. LSD i have never touched, but i have heard bad stories and some good stories.
  18. Atom

    Atom Senior Member

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    That has brown in it eww....or is it just outdoor grown.
  19. DOUK or DIE

    DOUK or DIE Elite Member

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    that looks a little skanky^^
  20. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    You should try adrenalacone (SP). Shrooms are cool i had one bad trip wasn't fun so i threw them up, but the other 5 times were cool, i get relapses once and a while. LSD i have never touched, but i have heard bad stories and some good stories. [/b][/quote]
    If by "adrenalacone" you mean adrenachrome.. then no you shouldn't try it because a. it's fake and b. its fake and made up

    but there is something similar which is taken out of human glands and you can get pure adreneline and inject it.. it is possible but its not considered a drug, its pretty fucked up

    I just bought a tight ass bowl yesterday its already coloring in.. if I get a picture i'll post