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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    all of thoes are wicked nice man, real pretty bong i like it.

    My favorate thing ever is just chillin with a peice and impressing people with the way you smoke it. Ever seen the octipus (you dj kids will know what im talking about) i do that on my rush sometimes, its pretty sweet.
  2. only4herbthred

    only4herbthred Member

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  3. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    i thought more buildings got blown the fuck up. hahaha
  4. skaterbomber

    skaterbomber Senior Member

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    that is such a great picuture
  5. put5

    put5 Senior Member

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  6. put5

    put5 Senior Member

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    your like 10 years old.. wa do u kno about drugs kid..

    what do you know about life in general? [/b][/quote]
    your from mexico, what do you know about QUALITY drugs?
  7. deathorglory

    deathorglory Elite Member

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    Is it just me, or do all jerome bakers look like big unlubricated condoms? Its the coloring and the ridges...
  8. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    i find the best weed to be a bright half dead grass green color. it gives you that nice good stummbley high. how about you?
  9. consume

    consume Senior Member

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    some of you kids couldn't drop knowledge if you threw an encyclopedia off a cliff...
  10. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    put5, with your stupid name, have you ever been to mexico? NO, they ship the shitty shit over to america, but you can find some of the best dank down there for dirt cheap, so think before you talk you little faggotboy.
  11. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    like i said, it looks like extremely butt scwhag or just fuckin' salvia.. yuck shits horrrrible any one ever had a GOOD expirence wit salvia

    wow i wish i was your dealer i'd sell you some shit weed for a grip. that sounds like horrible weed. "i find the best weed to be" not even green. I like it when there's crystals as faaar as the eye can see and red hairs clinging on to the crystals for their dear lives waiting to be cheifed

    some people hold/smoke blunts in their chillums
  12. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    Ok now im better. You really need to stay in school, kiddo.
    Two words GRAM-MER.
  13. Art Vandilay

    Art Vandilay Senior Member

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  14. Art Vandilay

    Art Vandilay Senior Member

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  15. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    first i have to say, if thats the homegrown you see... yuck [/b][/quote]
    bro, you say yuck to homegrown? you must be stuck on shwagg your whole life...

    shit man im high, so im trying to type my best, and real slow, haha, but esaems right, shit with nothin but crystals is a pure delight, but i just got some normal dank right now, lots of crystals, hairs, dense, whatnot, keepin me couchlocked so im good haha

    thank god getting another 1/4 of this tomorrow

    *stay on topic*
  16. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    i guess i havnt had very good weed lately. but i just got a new dealer yesturday. he has this dense shit. its some of the best stuff ive had.
  17. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    prolly just some mids
  18. KraBStaRR

    KraBStaRR Senior Member

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    yo love your kittens dont you?....cant blame you...they so fine
  19. Art Vandilay

    Art Vandilay Senior Member

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    "dense shit" aka

    the beastrs


    you kids will never learn about he beasters. he work. u know . whatever uw ant to call it.

    anyways . i dont smoke thm shits. thei genetics are alll fucked.

    yo car2n.. who the fuck is that kid in those pictures. its fuckin holarious!

    im loling

    loling hard.
  20. joust

    joust Elite Member

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