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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. Vagrant

    Vagrant Elite Member

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    word. but its can be difficult to know that information unless you are buying from a quality dealer that is serious, not just some friend of a friend.
    otherwise grow your own, that way you know exactly what you have.
  2. SWIV3Lone

    SWIV3Lone Senior Member

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    bu chances are itll turn out like gabage
  3. Nem

    Nem Elite Member

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    i highly doubt it.

    so many people sell weed. just ask the fuckin weird kid at school if he can get you a dub and youll be blazin in no time.
  4. SWIV3Lone

    SWIV3Lone Senior Member

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    idk i heard it was in the uk on some tv show.....thats why i said i heard it cuz you cant really trust what they say about drugs on tv but sometime they say the truth...every once in a while
  5. MontanaPainter

    MontanaPainter Elite Member

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    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008
  6. SWIV3Lone

    SWIV3Lone Senior Member

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    thats a nice dog....seriously i want one of those
  7. Allthegoodnamesaretaken

    Allthegoodnamesaretaken Senior Member

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    Nobody puts glass in the fucking weed UK television is lying to you
    if someone does that they're fucking retarded you're not going to make any money off selling it one time to a random stranger the only way people make serious money off weed is having constant buyers that buy half ounces every weekend... if you sell shit product you'll make shit money its pretty simple.. Theres lots of propaganda about weed...
    I think if you're into pills you should be careful about getting methbombs and shit but with weed its fucking hard to get ripped off.
  8. Allthegoodnamesaretaken

    Allthegoodnamesaretaken Senior Member

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    oh and you guys should start upping some more flix of your weed i love looking at them pics.. I see some pretty interesting stuff.
    OH and in vancouver weed grows wild over there... you could be going in the forest and stumble upon a field of wild cannabis with a whole bunch of buds... vancouver police have to constantly fly over forests with helicopters and scout for marijuana fields inside the summer before all the potheads find it. Personally I was never in vancouver and I never smoked wild weed like that but I'm going to jamaica in a couple weeks and I plan on finding some really dope herb there.. I'll take pics and up it on here so yall can see the jamaican herb
    man im so hammered
  9. Look@it2x

    Look@it2x Senior Member

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    what are you talking about?
  10. ColorOptional

    ColorOptional Member

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  11. anti-anti-crime

    anti-anti-crime Elite Member

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    you. are. a. fucking. idiot.
  12. SWIV3Lone

    SWIV3Lone Senior Member

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    your right now why dont you go smoke some of your "super chocolate thai white rhino skunky hydro 420" and have fun because look it has a good name so it must mean its good weed and this name for weed gives you a completly different type of high than weed with another name right?
  13. cast LI

    cast LI Elite Member

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    hgoly shit...

    i am sooooo ripped right now.

  14. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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    no. it's just the weed that gets you higher. but the weed has that name. so therefore, names do matter, in a sense.
  15. anti-anti-crime

    anti-anti-crime Elite Member

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    i never said weed that has a good name is good weed. the name is sort of a label. commonly associated with THC content. the names vary, like white widow is great shit. while shwag is poop. everything is given a name because of its differences from other strains. saying weed is weed is like sayin that every human is the same. therefor, yoiu are a fucking retard.
  16. twotimesfive

    twotimesfive Senior Member

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    You must have some pretty ugly weed if you don't get high for the first month you blaze.

    The whole you don't get high the first time comes from people taking one small toke and not really inhaling it at all, not from some kind of chemistry that makes so you have to smoke weed for a month before it starts to do anything.
  17. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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    i got stoned the first time i smoked.
    and every other time since then.
  18. Tokenkaligreens

    Tokenkaligreens Elite Member

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    LOL Swiv not but a page back you said you get your herb form a dispensary but then you say weed is weed, I think you are full of shit.

    Anyway of to go get stoned and then chill and watch the chargers run all over the broncos later. peace bs stay stoned.
  19. RetroLikeWhoa13

    RetroLikeWhoa13 Elite Member

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    tripped shrooms last night with a bunch of friends around. what a great fucking night.
  20. MiggityMAK

    MiggityMAK Senior Member

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    Wrong thread.
    thanks for fuckin up my high and wasting my time while i sat here and pondered if a mushroom was an herb or not...
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008