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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. sabe

    sabe Member

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    it also helps to have a VERY hot flame
  2. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    ok ill try that next im it comes around..whats salvia pricing do you know?

    [Broken External Image]: 10.jpg

    I was pretty suprised when i picked this up today because iheard itwas super stank but the dude hooked it up pretty good cause itrs dank as hell but its only a dimer so 20$ for that = good as hell its all red hairs mm
  3. Cherubic Meekus

    Cherubic Meekus Elite Member

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    old news...but still may be useful.
    Litigations involving the reclassification of cannabis are happening in England.........there moving it back to Class-B.
  4. only4herbthred

    only4herbthred Member

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    okay maybe someone can help me out yesterday i tried acid for the very first time i gave my friend 20$ (US DOLLARS) so he can get me 2 tabs one for me and one for my friend and he got me them they were 2 celtic crosses and me and my friend dropped em yesterday we both kept the tabs under our tongues for 40 minutes and we did not eat anything all day but we drank a lot of orange juice because i heard that it gets u higher cause of the acids in it so we waited 2 hours and none of us really felt anything we werent sober but we definetly werent on an acid trip so about 4-5 hours into it me and my firend smoked some weed and all it seemed to do was intensify the weed but we never really felt much of the acid i just saw a wave or distorted vision every now and then so idk wat happened. the only thing i could think of is that my "friend" ripped us off or they were some cheap ass tabs. could someon that know something about acid help me out cuz im confused as fuck!!!
  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    take 2 hits when you trip bro, 1 hit isnt enough
  6. HEROIN!

    HEROIN! Member

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    for the kid who didn't get off on the acid:
    orange juice does not make you trip harder. it's just GOOOD.

    but yeah, like car2nist said, one hit of acid usually isn't enough to really feel the effects of LSD. eat two or three. well, don't *eat* 'em, you had the right idea about keeping them under your tongue for 45 minutes. there are a lot of capillaries there, and that's how the acid diffuses into your bloodstream. negative/bad first trips are EXTREMELY rare, and in my opinion, it's better to dive into psychedelics than to test your foot in the water first. the experience will be more intense and more rewarding.

    i used to eat A LOT of acid. and sell it at high school graduation parties...
  7. HEROIN!

    HEROIN! Member

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    I know its nothing like weed thats why it fuckin sucks. I've done it like 6 times and haven't had any hallucinations yet. I dont think im going to try any. [/b][/quote]
    smoke a little weed first. DASIL was right. smoke a few hits out of a bong with no water. hold the smoke in for as long as possible. make sure you get the salvia leaves with EXTRACT (yeah like 15x or 20x) not just the plain leaves because they are not potent at all. put on music like THE ORB and get ready for something intense. some individuals are more sensitive to the salvinorin-A (the active ingredient in the salvia divinorum plant) than others, so ymmv.
  8. HEROIN!

    HEROIN! Member

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    anyone here do dope?
  9. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    you dont drink fucking juice when you take acid you drink it with shrooms morons. the vitamin c does something to the poision to make it more potent. acid's cool but 10 hitter acid 1 hit? meh

    only other shit i do is x, acid, shrooms, most psycoactives etc.
  10. HEROIN!

    HEROIN! Member

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    ^^^no. vitamin C does not make you trip harder. on anything. your body just depletes its reserves of many vitamins when you trip. drink orange juice the day AFTER you trip.

    ^^and "shrooms" aren't poison. the active ingredient is "psilocybin". a psychedelic, not a poison. no one has ever died simply from eating a psilocybe mushroom. now suicide while tripping by an already unbalanced individual is another story....

    OJ and cranberry juice (any juice or anything with sugar really) WILL pull you out of a K-hole though....
  11. HEROIN!

    HEROIN! Member

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  12. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    Duuude i've done shrooms like 60 times and about 21 with orange juice its a proven fact it makes increases your trip, unless you live somewhere wher ppeople dont kno shit. i kno its psilocybin but all shrooms have a amount of poison in them. thats why some shrooms are better because the poision potency is higher. but look it up, orange juice = increaeses shroom trips/.

    people across the world dont drink orange juice for the hell of it while taking shrooms! my shroom dealer has a refridgerator in his house filled with only orange juice that he sells or gives

    yeah mdma is bomb, you ever done pure mdma? the most shit idid was 5 hits ofred super man x omfg
  13. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    its considered a poison due to the fact that what it does to your body isnt 'natural'
  14. HEROIN!

    HEROIN! Member

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    ^^^yeah, i used to get grams and grams of molly. i love parachuting that shit and/or putting it up my nose. i love the little rice-grain crystals.

    too many years of raving....
  15. HEROIN!

    HEROIN! Member

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    the definition of "drug" is: any substance, other than a food, which affects the way the mind or body works.
  16. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    welp, the only thing i do now is just smoke herb, done with all the other drugs, aint got time for that.
  17. Jughead

    Jughead Elite Member

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    BC BUD IS THE SHIT, mush is to iffy, i dont liek the fact that u can either have a good or bad trip, just stick to blazing and drinking
  18. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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  19. only4herbthred

    only4herbthred Member

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    thanks man im either thinking of takin 2 next time or a much more potent tab im not sure which one i should do but 2 tabs comes out to 18 dollars and one very potent tab comes out to like 13-15 dollars so idk yet but next time im smokin weed rite wen i feel the effects.

    and were do u live man u sound like a kid i know??
  20. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    wow you pay alot for acid...

    but it is worth it, hell right now i'd pay fuckin 10 a hit, nothings been arounjd forever