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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. Art Vandilay

    Art Vandilay Senior Member

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  2. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    fuck man...cops took my digi scale after i had the biggest argument with the pig...back and forth yelling just got me all aggrivated. FAAAAACK lots of funny shit but i don't care to type out another one of adamo's adventure stories with the pigs.
  3. only4herbthred

    only4herbthred Member

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    anybody know about storing LSD tabs because a friend of mine told me that i might have messed them up by storing them wrong. wen i first got them i put them in my wallet and wen i got home i put them in a piece of paper and then in my hiding spot which is about room temperature. is there any better way to store them??? let me know how u guys do it
  4. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    I store them in my mouth hehe or in a pill canister
  5. deathorglory

    deathorglory Elite Member

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    If your too stupid to put htem in a zipock baggy, then you -seriously- shouldn't be doing drugs.
  6. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Anyone seen SLC Punk? Some kid dealing acid in the movie is being chased by a security guard through a football field with the sprinklers on, and the kid's pockets get wet and he takes like 8 hits of acid into his thigh. Then he sees the devil running around his house and he tries to stab his mom with a huge knife.
  7. joker00

    joker00 Elite Member

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    maybe he smoked himself retarded?
  8. kronik

    kronik Senior Member

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    aye i gotta question ive been slangin bomb for a while right i sell dubs dimes nickles and eighths im hella accurate bout sellin the right amount and i always give my coustumers the best bomb round here but i gotta queston i feel hella clumbsy sometimes cuz i always give em the nugs in them tiny dixie cups or zip lock baggies anyone know where i can get those little ass baggies that weed is usually sold in?Or sumthin simmalar to the baggies that have extra buttons in them? Im trippin out offa shrooms so exuse if i dont make sense but still any help?
  9. saynt

    saynt Member

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    Ya dude that shit was mad crazy lol. Becuz of that movie i didnt try acid :D . But slc punks is funny as fuck
  10. kronik

    kronik Senior Member

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    in need of baggies
  11. tre'tre'

    tre'tre' Senior Member

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    who gives ashit what bag its in, as long as they buy it.
  12. only4herbthred

    only4herbthred Member

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    you are one stupid mother fucker theres somethin in the plastic that could deteriorate the effects of LSD it is recommended that u dont put them in ziploc bags. u stupid cunt. i have actually done a lil research on it and the best way is to store them in aluminum foil and put them in the freezer. so go lick a dick and dont think ur smart u probly never even done acid so wise up kid.
  13. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    you must 'slang' about a half o a week, you petty little dealer you hahaha! dont you know how to goto the fucking store and buy sandwich baggies? damn you're a dumb dealer, goto your local cheaper gas station and buy yourself some little baggies little street dealers thinkin they're on the grind get.

    i personally dont like getting my herb in ziplocks, just the regular sandwich bags that you can lick to seal...

    and only4, you said you put them in your wallet, your wallet will absorb ALOT more, and deteriorate the effects much more than a plastic baggy will, but i bet you didnt know that, but you know so much about plastic baggies eh?

    listen, put the acid in your pocket, and bam, who gives a fuck, you dont need no special storage place, you think the hippies worried where they kept their acid? put it on your desk, just dont put it under a light source..
  14. tre'tre'

    tre'tre' Senior Member

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    hey car2n lets see pics of that free half you got
  15. only4herbthred

    only4herbthred Member

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    you must 'slang' about a half o a week, you petty little dealer you hahaha! dont you know how to goto the fucking store and buy sandwich baggies? damn you're a dumb dealer, goto your local cheaper gas station and buy yourself some little baggies little street dealers thinkin they're on the grind get.

    i personally dont like getting my herb in ziplocks, just the regular sandwich bags that you can lick to seal...

    and only4, you said you put them in your wallet, your wallet will absorb ALOT more, and deteriorate the effects much more than a plastic baggy will, but i bet you didnt know that, but you know so much about plastic baggies eh?

    listen, put the acid in your pocket, and bam, who gives a fuck, you dont need no special storage place, you think the hippies worried where they kept their acid? put it on your desk, just dont put it under a light source.. [/b][/quote]
    i just recently found out about all of that storage shit. yea but the hippies also got it for a lot cheaper and that was back wen it was legal.this time i put them in a bagie and then in my wallet and wen i got home i put the baggie in tin foil and then in my freezer i hope that this time works much better
  16. rarl

    rarl Senior Member

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    I thought it said 100 hits, not 8. Or i just heard wrong.
  17. Enemy

    Enemy Elite Member

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    u heard wrong ??? :blink: how duz that work?
  18. Cherubic Meekus

    Cherubic Meekus Elite Member

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    I just bought a sixteenth of coke for £90.
    Its wontedly priced at £140....if its pure.
  19. DOUK or DIE

    DOUK or DIE Elite Member

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  20. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    douk im fuckin diggin the first piece

    but i hate when the choke's on that side

    for the nigga who wanted bags - my boy has some little tiny dime bags they're pretty cool. look on the internet for "poly bags" or "dime bags" or "little plastic bags to sell crack in"