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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. rarl

    rarl Senior Member

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    It was a movie. So I might of heard wrong when he said how much acid was in his pants.
  2. DOUK or DIE

    DOUK or DIE Elite Member

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    yeah man, when the carb is on that side it feels all awakward but its a nice thick piece of glass so im content with it
  3. DOUK or DIE

    DOUK or DIE Elite Member

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  4. CiFiL

    CiFiL Senior Member

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  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    so punkers do crystal meth eh...

    ...edit... whoops

    im high so i thought that was a glare and whats in the top left baggy is shards

    but now i see that its coke on the mirror haha
  6. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    haha, i dont think you wanna see it, its regs, just right off a brick, but aint brown shit, its a nice green, but its compressed, aint worth lookin at.
  7. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    or you dont have it
  8. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    haha, if yall wanna see some brick weed ok, haha, ill take a picture

    i just dont think brick weed is good, i dont like smoking it much, but hey, its free, and this brick dont taste bad, you sure yall need a picture? damn the internet is hard to talk on haha

    its just not a half anymore, still a bunch
  9. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    I thought it said 100 hits, not 8. Or i just heard wrong. [/b][/quote]
    if your talking about slc punk its 100. i have the movie on my computer.
  10. Boopathy Bangalidad

    Boopathy Bangalidad Senior Member

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    sorry car2n this thread is fucking lame. i feel like im a freshman in highschool again.

    so i guses its cool if you a freshman in highschool
  11. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    i wish i was a freshmen in highschool again

    :| i hate being old with all the shorties being so young
  12. Samuel L. Jackson

    Samuel L. Jackson Senior Member

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  13. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    yea, 19, and IN highschool still, 6th year, im old.
  14. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    damn, i dropped out my freshman year.
  15. tre'tre'

    tre'tre' Senior Member

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    hey car2nist im comin down to charleston today
  16. CiFiL

    CiFiL Senior Member

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    A LOT OF PUNKS TWEEK!!!! i dont, i just do coke cuz you can maybe get some sleep at the end of the night, ive donr my fair share of tweek....and im over it
  17. SMTXgraffin

    SMTXgraffin Senior Member

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    word up to that shit, i finally found a good chemist thats a friend of a friends, lol, microdots for 10 bucks each, i wish i could fin dit for less though, but its hard to come by nowadays around here
  18. SMTXgraffin

    SMTXgraffin Senior Member

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    I know its nothing like weed thats why it fuckin sucks. I've done it like 6 times and haven't had any hallucinations yet. I dont think im going to try any. [/b][/quote]
    dude you're a fucking tool, dont use a normal lighter when u smoke salvia, use a butane lighter, one of those u can buy at the indian gas stations for $5, the intensity of the flame sets it off, and no shit its not like weed, thats why cannabis is cannabis and salvia is salvia, get the 10x extract, dont buy the garbage leaves, if u smoked that shit with me you would think salvia was god....
  19. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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  20. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    dude you're a fucking tool, dont use a normal lighter when u smoke salvia, use a butane lighter, one of those u can buy at the indian gas stations for $5, the intensity of the flame sets it off, and no shit its not like weed, thats why cannabis is cannabis and salvia is salvia, get the 10x extract, dont buy the garbage leaves, if u smoked that shit with me you would think salvia was god.... [/b][/quote]
    nigga im a tool cuz my toleration is higher for salvia?

    by theway WHEN THE FUCK DID I SAY "SALVIA IS LIKE WEED" nigga I said smoke REAL weed cuz people try to front and say salvias weed when it aint fucking SHIT. aight no beef dude just sayin.

    change of topic tho anyone ever smoked so much they hallucinated? i only done it once we smoked 1 ounce of schwag (yes i kno, i didnt buy it someone else did) rolled a grip of blunts then smoked like a quad of dank, then a couple grav. bong hits of realll dank (this was between 4 people) and i had 2 adderall pills that day (i took em the good way ;) and some xanax bars and den dude brought over some keef and thats the only time . I hallucinated a little more than when we did a couple micros :angry: bad acid in minnesota

    it was a diff hallucination tho cuz like, i was actually beliven the shit i saw

    but it was a diff hallucination like i was actually beliven the shit i saw like i saw someone and i was yellen at em then i got closer n no one was there it was some cool shit

    btw the danks we grav'd was some kush we did bout 5 hits each