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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. tre'tre'

    tre'tre' Senior Member

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    god dammit i wish i could just buy drugs over the internet
  2. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    i got 2 free grams of ice in the mail(the strain of weed, not crystal meth)
  3. ANTIC

    ANTIC Elite Member

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    how...might i ask? ^^^^^
  4. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    most of those order online bud sites are long gone....

    but there still a few kicking just have to look for them

    and alot of them are for med users only...but they never seem to check
  5. ANTIC

    ANTIC Elite Member

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  6. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    all of those do nothing but give you a headache.
  7. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    dude car2n man where you get nugs so cheap? is it middies? cause then i get the same for those prices in worcester

    but at my moms kids pay up to $20 a g for regs! theyll pay liek $35 a g for haze and shit its crazy
  8. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    that legal herb would be called ..... salvia! at a headshop in town where i live you can buy it for 35 a gram wich is pretty fucking steep but eventually it will become illegal but i here it has the affect of mushrooms but only lasts for 15 minutes or soo
    does anyone else have anyting they can add to this info on salvia?
  9. deathorglory

    deathorglory Elite Member

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    Yeah its sucks. You have to get the salvia extract. Thats the onlything worth smoking, use a bong and a butane lighter. Shits is insane for like 15 minutes, but afterwards, your like, ihad to smoke 15 bowls for that?
  10. tre'tre'

    tre'tre' Senior Member

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    no no no, salvia is different than the legal bud
  11. ANTIC

    ANTIC Elite Member

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    im eating ben n jerrys ice cream called "half baked"...while being half baked
  12. Rile1

    Rile1 Senior Member

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    80 yay
  13. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    i actually really enjoy the effects of salvia... i dunno about smoking 15 bowls though? maybe if your smoking it like weed or something... but the way it works is that i bought a gram of the 20x extract, split it into 10 piles, and smoked a 0.1g bowl all in one haul, held the smoke in for about 30 seconds, exhaled and felt pretty crazy. as long as you take in the entire bowl in one haul (flame held to it the entire time) and hold the smoke for a while you shouldn't need to be smoking 15 bowls. the most i've ever consumed was 2 bowls of the 20x one after another and i was tripping balls for 5 minutes, and then another 15 minutes of still being really high and seeing shit, but not as vivid. i wouldn't compare it to any other hallucinogen, since when you're on other things you know what you're seeing is fake and caused by the drug, and you don't see anything that isn't there. when your on salvia you see shit that isn't there (such as people, animals, etc.), and the part that a lot of people find overwhelming and even scary is that you don't know that what's going on is fake, you think everything is real.... definately nutty shit. if you haven't tried it, go get some of the 20x extract and smoke yourself two 0.1g bowls one after another... just remember to take each bowl in one constantly lit haul and to hold the smoke, and do it in a relaxed enviornment (you and one friend somewhere peaceful... somewhere to sit comfortable) and you'll have a good time.
  14. @!Ck$

    @!Ck$ Member

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    half baked is the shit.. my favorite ice cream..
  15. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    i still havent tried salvia... i cant find it anywhere round here...
  16. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    yo car2 ask some of your local headshops about it most of them sell it but dont advertise it or anyting you just have to ask them in private when no one else is in the store and im shue they could give you some info on how to pick some up seeing how it isnt illegal.... yet
  17. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    been there, done that.

    they say they wish they had some to try
  18. OPRAH!

    OPRAH! Senior Member

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  19. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    sorrry other than that i dont know what you could do to pic some up
    i found some bills the other night at a house party and im consdiering picking somer up today but i dont know foshure if its worth the 35? a gram
  20. Craze

    Craze Senior Member

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    fuck everyone has 2 smoke a fat blunt for me 2 day i just got back from my probation hearing i got sentenced to 1 year probation with random drug tests for the duration of the prbation period my life sucks so hard 1 year without weed is like 1 year without being able to draw on anything fuck fuck fuck this shit sucks :angry: