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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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    MASH ONE Senior Member

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  2. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    damn 30 dollars for that!?

    this one only cost me 22 dollars, and i got it at some shitty cig outlet cause the headshops had to restock and only had acrylic shit when i went...

    +it has changed ALOT
    [Broken External Image]:

    PS no thats not me in the background, its from this thread awhile back, dunno who though
  3. $NAKE$

    $NAKE$ Elite Member

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    damn 30 dollars for that!?

    this one only cost me 22 dollars, and i got it at some shitty cig outlet cause the headshops had to restock and only had acrylic shit when i went...

    +it has changed ALOT
    [Broken External Image]:

    PS no thats not me in the background, its from this thread awhile back, dunno who though [/b][/quote]
    hahah thats me mang, fuck thats old times.
  4. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    you should lol
    just make sure your in a postive atmosphere
    unless you want to trip out like me
    then listen to deftones when you do it
  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    i want salvia, really bad now...

    ...someone send me the shit before i go eating random plantsi n the woods
  6. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    dont they sell it in headshops out there?
    my homie got it at this head store in west edmonton mall called
    2 guys with pipes
  7. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    ahahah i forgot,
    when i freaked out i knocked all the salvia off my lap and
    my too friends were so mad they didnt get a chance to try some..
  8. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    nope, they dont sell salvia here, already tried...

    they have meth pipes though ;X
  9. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    ...meth pipes but you cant but salvia??
    whats that like a chinese riddle? :lol:
  10. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    yeah they even sell salvia here hahahaha, smoke some "incense" hahahah
  11. Atom

    Atom Senior Member

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    Salvia is wicked fucked up, the first time it was intense, i think it was like 12x or 10x, but it was fucked up shit I'll never do it again.

    Citrus Listerine + Water = Best stuff to put in a bong. When its 20 an eigth and 40 a quarter, you have a good time.

    I bought some Fire Haze the other day, Yellow Hairs and tons of crystals, took one hit i was feelin it.
  12. $NAKE$

    $NAKE$ Elite Member

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    i gave a bum a buck on queen street to tell me where i could get Salvia. i went to THC, but they were out. they gave me some card of another guy that sells it just a block over. so we went there and picked up a half o of 20x Abstract. it was nuts, i thought my buddy was an army tank, its mad Gross and Dry harsh after 4/5 cons.
  13. Dr. Coffee

    Dr. Coffee Elite Member

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    ahhhhh salvia, had a few experiences on that sucker, it sucks cuz 20x costs 40 bucks a gram up in here
  14. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    tried some 10X last night and it was pretty fucking crazy nothing like i expected but the smoke was so fucking dry and harsh compared to the usual herbs but fuck it hit me very hard and i never suspected it to be anyting like it was it was such a different high i was seeing cops everywhere and i saw a see monster on the road and i still have about .8 left for some more fun later today!
  15. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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  16. $NAKE$

    $NAKE$ Elite Member

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    its sweet because just a .8 would make you shit your pants. and 20x it takes like 2/3 cons to start trippin. and yeah its mad gross and harsh. i'm gonna get a shit load when im in toronto next, peeps pay mad cash for it down here.
  17. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    "down here"

    in northern ontario?
  18. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    so im guessing youve seen his horrible 'snakes' tags in person?
  19. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    if you're talking to me, no, i live nowhere near "$nake$"

    [Broken External Image]: .jpg

    he lives in "sudbury" and i live in "vancouver"
  20. bruce

    bruce Elite Member

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    surrey..sudbury...close enuf.

    i mean cmon these are all stoners you cant expect em to remember the whole name now can you?