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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. irockyourass

    irockyourass Senior Member

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    7:30 am... i'm already at work for a half hour by that time... i get up at 4:20 am every morning [not because i'm a stoner, it just works out that way with my train schedule] and the wake and bake lets me pass back out on the train ride to work
  2. irockyourass

    irockyourass Senior Member

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    bahhhh.... i was visiting lake george a few years ago with my girlfriend and they left this in the gift basket in the cabin. shit burns my eyes but my girlfriend loves it. i dont use eyedrops personally, never have... my eyes are a constant shade of pink anyways, even when i'm not high, so i've never seen the need for the drops... what do i care if people know i'm high
  3. DankNC

    DankNC Guest

    well, at least NC isn't AS bad as I thought it was on weed prices, speakin of, I really wanna rip a gb full of some shiskaberry, that would really make my day, haha.
  4. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Ouch dude.
    East coast has some shitty prices, and some even shittier weed.
  5. DankNC

    DankNC Guest

    dude, south east (which is where i reside :() I'm not sure if my cuz just had the hook up or what, but he was gettin the shit i pay 25-30 dollars a gram for 10 dollars a gram in Mass. i brought some of that back to NC and pissed all of my friends off, I bought a quarter of some mersh and invited them over to smoke, and when they got there id pack up a bong full of mersh and tell them to face it, then I'd break out the sticky icky and take some gb rips right in front of them, hahaha, but yea man, you should get me the hook up on a QP so i can stimulate the weed market here, "dank" weed needs to be cheaper
  6. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    I could never buy weed for more than I'm paying right now (10$ a gram).
    I'd rather be sober than pay 20 dollars for a blunt of regulars.
  7. Baron

    Baron Moderator

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    West NC has dank shit alllll the time. I haven't found anyone with anything less than headies up here. Weed strain names are just about bullshit unless it's through a dispensary, except maybe for the time i had silver haze, that was the best sativa high i have ever had. Normally it's about 20 a g and 60 an eighth but if you talk around you can get average dank for 50 an eighth.
  8. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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    right now in my area, all there is is headies. haven't seen indoors for months. since before summer.

    i got my hands on an ounce of sweet, sweet jack herer, though. love it.
  9. PeeInTheShower

    PeeInTheShower Elite Member

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    so happy to live in sofla... gram 15 8th 50 1/4 100 ounce 300

    but lately i've been getting grams for ten... on that hookup tip...

    the reggies haven't been around in a long fucking time... there was a huge bust so now the whole town's dry. one mother fucker was supplying most of sofla... that mother fucker's doin' like 30 years or some shit.
  10. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    I'm sure there's good bud floating around on the east coast, but 20 dollars for a gram of anything is still too much. I'm just saying what you guys call headies over there are regs for me out here in the north west, AND we get it cheaper.

    West coast is de best.
  11. EST2007

    EST2007 Elite Member

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    west coast is def where it's at. 35 an 1/8th for dank heads last time i was out west
  12. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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    yeh...i'm jealous.
    east coast sucks for drugs of any kind.
  13. irockyourass

    irockyourass Senior Member

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    jack herer is my all time favorite!!! bahhhhh so goooood
  14. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    There is a direct correlation between penalties on drugs and how easy they are to obtain and price.
    Where I live having an 8th of weed or lower is a lesser offense than jaywalking, cops will take it off of you, stomp it into the ground then send you on your way.
    My girl is from the east coast and she was telling me how the penalties over there are way worse, thus making it more expensive and harder to get your hands on. Its simple economics.

    I could have worded this better but I'm on my first cup of coffee and I'm still waking up.
  15. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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    yeah dude. drug charges are bs.
    even like misdemeanor charges.

    i got caught with like a gram and a half of weed, and i ended up paying a $400 dollar fine.
    most expensive gram ever.
  16. irockyourass

    irockyourass Senior Member

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    that's so shitty... i guess it all depends on the cop you get. i'm from ny and i was chilling in the city one night and these cops walked up on me and my buddy while we were just finishing rolling up a fat blunt. the cop was just like... hey, what are you guys gonna do with that? so we ripped it up and threw it away and he's like.. thats what i thought. got pulled over another time with weed, a grinder, two bowls and a bubbler and the cop found them all... he let me keep everything, even the weed... gave me a speeding ticket tho [which i was doing 86 in a 55]... got a few more stories but almost every time i get sent on my way with no problems... just lucky i guess
  17. realtalk

    realtalk Senior Member

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    im from new england and i kno mad kids that got in trouble for dumb shit but i been caught numeerous times with bud in the car and even a baked car once and they let me time i was a passenger with two of my friends and my girl was drivin and besides her we all had open containers and the cop was like gtfo of here we got better shit to deal with fags lol good times
  18. LOPe_GCI

    LOPe_GCI Senior Member

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    weed is decriminilized in NY, its a civil citation for under an ounce in one bag... cali, colorado, and vt are the only other places i kno that the laws are even similar so idk where u got that from.
    and ur right about it being more expensive, but if u really cant find anything quality on the east coast than u jus dont kno the right people.
    both times ive been to cali i wasnt impressed by anything other than the weather...
  19. EST2007

    EST2007 Elite Member

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  20. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    I guess you didn't know the right people either. :)