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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. Fear And Loathing

    Fear And Loathing Senior Member

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    my friend took a binger of catnip and his right eye swelled up like a fucking golfball, he flipped his lid be i laughed my ass off.
  2. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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  3. krylontagger

    krylontagger Member

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    anybody ever make an applebong?
  4. krylontagger

    krylontagger Member

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    i want to make brownies sometime, heard they was the shit
  5. wang dang doodle

    wang dang doodle Senior Member

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    yeah this one time at bandcamp

    gawwddd this thread sucks all you youngsters....
    car2nist is rolling over in his grave.
  6. >SM!7K<

    >SM!7K< Elite Member

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    B) cat nip highs.. can get an ounce for 5 bucks...

    i reamember we used to sell to the kids catnip, hooked them up with an 1/8 for 13, just throw in some seed and stems, maybe a lil bit of a nug.. and the kiddies never knew the differance,"yo Jay,you still got that fire ass,bomb dro" is what i hear and im like yeah :rolleyes: heres that bomb niggah!
    Making mad money..

    did some on esay napalm :) what a better way to recycly styrophome...oh the good times..
    Hey is there anyone in here with knowledge about laddy sal? or Extracts..Thanks
  7. Krylon bomber

    Krylon bomber Elite Member

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  8. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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  9. Krylon bomber

    Krylon bomber Elite Member

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  10. wang dang doodle

    wang dang doodle Senior Member

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  11. >SM!7K<

    >SM!7K< Elite Member

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  12. ESNED

    ESNED Elite Member

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  13. ANTIC

    ANTIC Elite Member

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  14. Exploited

    Exploited Elite Member

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    o man we rolled a 5 paper spliff (zig zags) the other day..wish i had my took two of us to roll and we had to smoke it with two hands...beautifle, oh so beautifle
  15. inimical critic

    inimical critic Senior Member

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    i just got done smokin a b legeter and im Blown'
  16. JadedSketches

    JadedSketches Elite Member

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    how can you type well when youre stoned?
    I tried,fucking impossible,letters jumping allover.
  17. Exploited

    Exploited Elite Member

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    its not that hard...maybe yoru shit was laised or somethign
  18. inimical critic

    inimical critic Senior Member

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    i dont know
    im keyed up from the feet up and its not
    effecting my ability to type
    ar sll
  19. >SM!7K<

    >SM!7K< Elite Member

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    yeah, pot dosent really screw whity your typing abilitys, though it might what you type a good read :D , unless your a lightweight, but i used to smoke 4 grams of homegrown,and go to class 10 minutes later...passed just fine

  20. Exploited

    Exploited Elite Member

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    i remember those times in high school (grade8 and 9) just being completely blitsed out ....good times, high school was such a joke