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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. stigma 2k6

    stigma 2k6 Senior Member

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    an easy way to make a cheap as hell good bong that wont break on you is get a tube of pvc pip ( from a hardware store when u get paint) it can be as long as you like then take a drill and drill a hole at an angle into the pipe get a pen stem or something beter if you can find it put it in tha hole if it fites perfectly good but you can use modling clay or sticky tac(rack from skool art store ect.) put it around the stem get something to pulg the end of the pvc pipe (duct tape works) to make a bowl i use co2 powerlett cartreges and cut the end of with a hack saw but you can use you imagination and find sumthin fill with water and enjoy
  2. stigma 2k6

    stigma 2k6 Senior Member

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    makes a bong alot like the green one in >SM!7K< pik
  3. sars_mask

    sars_mask Member

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    not smoking before work for the first time in like 4 unappreciation. :(
  4. you'll never paint steel

    you'll never paint steel Senior Member

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    my friend jus bought some seeds from a guy at school and is growing them in his attic, but doesnt know shit about it, weve told him the basic stuff but help would be appreciated so i can tell him bout it, cuz im testing/selling it for him :D any stuff would be cool thanks

    also another friend has got some white widow growing, and is hopefully getting some blueberry seeds...nice??
  5. merm 1

    merm 1 Senior Member

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    i downloaded the Anarcistis Cookbook of limewire, ad does anyone know if the peanut thng really works, i try it, i just wanted to kow if anyone has tryed it.
  6. Mse

    Mse Elite Member

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    hahah ouch just read what u guys pay for mj. Im europe fuck i pay summat like 1 buck for semi strong weed i dunno in ounces or the wieght but ill take a foto next time i made 6 j's

  7. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Foil? no thanks man, foil is hurtin..

    [Broken External Image]:
    Didnt realize there were naked chicks on this till I got it home, thought it was a solid red peice.

    [Broken External Image]:
  8. Exploited

    Exploited Elite Member

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    tahts a sweet looking dtaht buf looks...brown?
  9. inimical critic

    inimical critic Senior Member

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    yeah that bong is dope
    and it loos like some one waited too long to pick the bud
  10. >SM!7K<

    >SM!7K< Elite Member

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    yeah foil is a bit harsh, but when your in need, itll get you high,
    nice bong, did you drill it, or get it like that already?

    that bud, kinda leafy there bro, if there wasnt as much brown itd look nice, but really,
    that bud look disgusting, next to the lime green..

  11. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Its actually a deep purple, and yeah it is leafy. You can say it looks disgusting all you want, but thats whats getting me lifted right now and I'm not complaining... it tastes so sweet. And I'd honestly rather not smoke then haul on some tin foil bowl.
  12. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    i found like 4.5 grams of some WIKKID ass chronic in class today. Someone from the class before left it...they came back to check it out but by then it was securely in my posession. Its good shit too..frosted indoor buds. Mmmm
  13. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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  14. RJX

    RJX Senior Member

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  15. you'll never paint steel

    you'll never paint steel Senior Member

    • Messages: 465
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    my friend jus bought some seeds from a guy at school and is growing them in his attic, but doesnt know shit about it, weve told him the basic stuff but help would be appreciated so i can tell him bout it, cuz im testing/selling it for him any stuff would be cool thanks

    also another friend has got some white widow growing, and is hopefully getting some blueberry seeds...nice??
  16. krylontagger

    krylontagger Member

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    just got a new pipe, works good
  17. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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    ewww i wouldn't smoke that brown and purple shit. thats a bunk nug

    and yeah don't use foild, alluminum has been proven to flake apart, and actually leads to altimerz - so its not the weed fuckin with your memory at that point :lol:
  18. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    03 Nov 2005

    British Columbia
    ST. JOHN'S, Nfld -- Supporters of marijuana may finally have an excuse to smoke weed every day. A recent study in the Journal of Clinical Investigation suggests that smoking pot can make the brain grow.

    Though most drugs inhibit the growth of new brain cells, injections of a synthetic cannibinoid have had the opposite effect in mice in a study performed at the University of Saskatchewan. Research on how drugs affect the brain has been critical to addiction treatment, particularly research on the hippocampus.

    The hippocampus is an area of the brain essential to memory formation. It is unusual because it grows new neurons over a person's lifetime. Researchers believe these new cells help to improve memory and fight depression and mood disorders.

    Many drugs --- heroin, cocaine, and the more common alcohol and nicotine -- inhibit the growth of these new cells. It was thought that marijuana did the same thing, but this new research suggests otherwise.

    Neuropsychiatrist Xia Zhang and a team of researchers study how marijuana-like drugs -- known collectively as cannabinoids -- act on the brain.

    The team tested the effects of HU-210, a potent synthetic cannabinoid similar to a group of compounds found in marijuana. The synthetic version is about 100 times as powerful as THC, the high-inducing compound loved by recreational users.

    The researchers found that rats treated with HU-210 on a regular basis showed neurogenesis -- the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus. A current hypothesis suggests depression may be triggered when the hippocampus grows insufficient numbers of new brain cells. If true, HU-210 could offer a treatment for such mood disorders by stimulating this growth.

    Whether this is true for all cannabinoids remains unclear, as HU-210 is only one of many and the HU-210 in the study is highly purified.

    "That does not mean that general use in healthy people is beneficial," said Memorial psychology professor William McKim. "We need to learn if this happens in humans, whether this is useful in healthy people, and whether THC causes it as well."

    McKim warns that marijuana disrupts memory and cognition. "These effects can be long-lasting after heavy use," he said. "This makes it difficult to succeed academically if you use it excessively."

    "Occasional light use probably does not have very serious consequences. [But] there is some evidence that marijuana smoke might cause cancer."

    Still, the positive aspects of marijuana are becoming more plentiful as further research is done. McKim says it's not surprising that THC and compounds like it could have medicinal effects.

    "Many have been identified," he said. "It stimulates appetite in people with AIDS, it is an analgesic, and blocks nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. And it treats the symptoms of glaucoma."
  19. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    03 Nov 2005

    British Columbia
    A growing number of people in Vancouver believe marijuana laws are antiquated and unfair. According to all the research, it seems their complaints are not entirely unfounded.

    We live in a country where social drinking, even involving minors, is quite acceptable. In high school most dads allow teenagers to have a beer at dinner or watching hockey. In university my parents loved my tales of drunken debauchery. I told those stories and people thought I was the life of the party. If I talked about pot, people would probably cringe.

    Pot is still taboo, but SFU economics professor Stephen Easton says 23 per cent of Canadians admit to having done it. According to Maple Leaf Web, pot is the third most popular recreational drug after alcohol and tobacco, and B.C. has the highest user rate of all the provinces.

    The California Research Advisory Panel has stated that "[pot] is responsible for less damage to society and the individual than are alcohol and cigarettes." So what's the deal?

    Most studies indicate that pot has few adverse affects. Long-term use has been linked to bronchitis and lung disease. It affects perception and motor performance, which could impair driving. But that seems to be the extent of it.

    Then there's alcohol, a totally legal yet far more harmful drug. The Canadian Bureau of Justice Statistics finds that more violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol than any other drug.

    The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse states that nearly half of all car crash deaths involve alcohol. In the United States it's the number one contributing factor in young deaths, and accounts for a quarter of all youth hospital visits.

    Pot on the other hand, was involved in less than two per cent of drug-related visits to the hospital in 1994. And anyone who has hung around with a giggling stoner knows that smoking marijuana decreases, rather than increases, aggression.

    In 2002, Stats Canada found that 600,000 Canadians were addicted to alcohol. This is compared to studies collected by the Drug Policy Alliance that indicate marijuana is non-addictive. It finds that when it comes to crime, most pot smokers cause no other misdeed than the possession of the pot itself.

    And what about the belief that legalization will only encourage use?

    In the Netherlands, people over 18 can legally buy and use cannabis. Yet the adult usage rate is equivalent to the United States, and among young people, rates are actually lower.

    According to a 1994 study by California doctor Dale Gieringer, a marijuana expert, the belief that pot kills brain cells came from a flawed experiment by Dr. Robert Heath back in 1980.

    In his experiment, Heath observed structural changes ( not actual cell death ) in the brain cells of animals exposed to high doses of marijuana smoke. This work was never replicated and has since been discredited by all other studies.

    I've never woken up hung-over after a night of smoking pot, and the only regret it's ever caused me is a little post-brownie binge guilt.

    It seems the only difference between a few pints and a few tokes is a handful of unfounded presumptions and an outdated law.
  20. geezpot

    geezpot Elite Member

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    Ares, that new red bong looks tight.