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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    Why you hiding in the bathroom? Parents don't know you're a pothead? [/b][/quote]
    No they dont. And I always take pictures of things in there cause we have strong lights in that room.
  2. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    i enjoyed salvia. the fact that you and your friends didn't like it, or that it's legal, doesn't mean its for tools. the only people who think the legal status of drugs matters are the tools (who 90% of the time are going for the 'badass law-breaking' effect... smooth), i don't smoke weed because its illegal, and i don't smoke salvia because it's legal, and if the statuses were reversed i'd still smoke both. and in case your unaware, it usually takes a long time to get around to make a drug illegal, particularily when its a naturally occuring plant in parts of north america and has been used for so long by native tribes who don't want it made illegal... and furthermore when it's sold as 'incense'... a lot of complications means a lot of paperwork and a lot of tests for even a chance to make a drug illegal. the fact that you can only get one round of it a year doesn't mean shit, i can buy it everyday from a headshop down the street.. .more accessible than pot. except when they sell out, which happens a lot. oh, and i can guarantee you i don't take 'pussy hits' and 'just get dizzy' and thats why i like it....

    plus, acid used to be legal for quite a while during a period when people used it recreationally, i dont think anyone bitched 'well if its legal its probably no good'... acid actually became of shittier quality after it became illegal.

    plus, small amounts of weed isn't illegal (then again, its not legal either... yet), so does that make it lame too?

    anyway, i've smoked salvia tonnes of times, starting with 5x and now i smoke 20x and 40x when i can get it, and i find it very enlightening, but maybe its just because i was pretty experienced with hallucinogens before trying it and can handle myself and my mental state better while under its influence?

    like all hallucinogens, it's no weed, you can't do it everyday (or atleast i don't feel the urge to), but once in a while it can be pretty enlightening and let you experience some things that you have never experienced before... it's like entering a world or metaphysics.

    that being said, i don't think i could handle the shit if it lasted much longer than 5-10 minutes... after that my mental state would definately start breaking down and it'd be a bad trip (how bad trips happen, by the way, when you can control your own mentality)

    and i don't think you need to be a 'pro-smoker' to hit a bong properly... anyone who isn't a virgin smoker, has hands, and doesn't have pussy lungs can hit a bong good.

    moral of the story is: DONT FRONT ON THE INTERNET THAT YOUR SOME HARDASS DRUG EXPERT WHEN IT'S CLEAR YOUR NOT. (and no, i'm not a drug expert either, i just use them often and have been for years and can share my gained knowledge and experiences).
  3. wang dang doodle

    wang dang doodle Senior Member

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    i wish i lived in canada so i could stick up kids.
  4. wang dang doodle

    wang dang doodle Senior Member

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    gimmy the loot gimmy the loot
  5. shineONE

    shineONE Elite Member

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    No they dont. And I always take pictures of things in there cause we have strong lights in that room. [/b][/quote]
    hmmm...i take pics in the bathroom becos it has the brightest light....wierd..
  6. >SM!7K<

    >SM!7K< Elite Member

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    to the kid that said my pipes ugly, well thats your oppinion.. i actually think its very nice,
    plus my crappy phone pics dont do it any justice..

    hey snow, how much did that zip weigh out too,
  7. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    almost 30 grams.. But that picture. i had already smoked a bit.
  8. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    Just smoked 2 grams... Then made weed scramble eggs with canabutter... :ph34r:
  9. Exploited

    Exploited Elite Member

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    you ever have pancakes and canibutter...its the best aftre smoking a salad
  10. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    I have a 20 year old sister living here. and my mom. Of course theres gonna be damb hair products haha [/b][/quote]
    oh you do do you? if she wasnt your sister would you bone her? cause id probably bone her just because shes your sister.
  11. ghostbusta5

    ghostbusta5 Elite Member

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  12. screw_loose

    screw_loose Elite Member

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    ^^quit jockin my avatar. +1 faggot.
  13. ...Vakerrr

    ...Vakerrr Senior Member

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    I think keif is the best thing to do with weed, i have this powedered sugar shaker and i cleaned it out and dropped 3.5 of delicious Dro into it, shook it for a while rolled a joint with the kief and smoked it with my chick and some friends, best stuff especially when its you keif it over and over again.
  14. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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    man i just got an 1/8th of orange haze. new shit too me. some of the best tasting bud i've ever had. smells very sweet. kinda fucked up. lots of orange hairs, almost golden color.

    and an 1/8th of northern lights, thats nothin new.

    best strain i have ever come across was called sweet tooth, shit was amazing. looked gold due to all the THC crystals. yum, i wish i had more, only had it once ever and only a gram at that. :(
    sweet tooth nug
    [Broken External Image]:
  15. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Weed is so cool, I thank god every day for providing us with psycodelic mushrooms, and all the wonderful types of marijuana.

  16. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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  17. Spitz

    Spitz Senior Member

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    i worship my bong and zippo, i don't know about you
  18. nik

    nik Senior Member

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    i want a bubbler, id much rather have one than a new bong or new pipe.

    some kid at my school just got busted for having 32 grams and a bong in his bookbag, what a fucking idiot.
  19. inimical critic

    inimical critic Senior Member

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    sweet tooth is some super rope.
  20. ow1

    ow1 Senior Member

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    lol today i rolled up a j in the back of my video class and took one giant ass hit of it then the hole class was like it smells like weed so this kid sprayed clone everywear that shit was great