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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. cricket

    cricket Elite Member

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    Yeah when I'm with you guys. When I smoke MY drugs I only do it the healthy way!
  2. mad

    mad Elite Member

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    ya i no the materials we lacked but we were at some wops house and he had nuthin and as for the clay bong i just made one in art class its a gargoyle head as the chamber i told her it was a vase for my mom lol
    its drying now but ill post it up when i paint it
  3. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    anyone know any good links to weed forums or websites? im interested to learn more about growing
  4. mad

    mad Elite Member

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  5. sour_sst

    sour_sst Senior Member

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    Best thing you should do is search up *how to grow weed plants* on yahoo you will be suprised on the amount of sites their is.
  6. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    The only grow-related site you will ever need is

    Its no fun smoking parachutes with people who smoke cigs. I was the only one in the circle that could take a full chamber.

    On another note, smoking shotties out of a plastic water bottle just isn't the same.
  7. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    lol, last year in ceramics we made a pipe it said puff puff on the was godly and never to be smokin out of...i think it broke tho...
  8. mad

    mad Elite Member

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    i dont get it people make pipes and dont smoke out of them i made a bong and i cant wait to toke it
    godly pipes
    ill smoke the godly pipes with god
    anyone else up for incoherent ramlings about 'dope' devices
  9. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    Thank you! I now know how to deal with mildew, which I thought were little flat spiderwebs, stupid me... I hope I diden't damage me brain, hahaha... oh haha.
  10. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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  11. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    what do u guys think about ordering seeds off those websites? have any of u done it? if so any sites u aware that i can get seeds for alot cheaper off dealers but they dun got the seeds i want....
  12. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    I don't recommend buying seeds off the internet. Period.
  13. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    I've never bought seeds off the internet, but I know people who have and had nothing but good things to say. If you are going to buy seeds off of the internet, I sugest you read this first.

    If this is your first grow, I would suggest just going with bagseed for a few crops, untill you have a pretty solid grasp on the basics of growing. But thats my two cents.

    Time to get the bucket ready.
  14. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    thanks alot ares...yeah man ive been readin up shit on overgrow thats a great site...
  15. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    Interesting you say that ares...i've had a few friends buy seeds online and i've heard nothing but bad things..heh. I guess it all depends on which site you use.
  16. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    overgrow recommends some sites so i guess those wuld b pretty planning to get a p.o. box for the mailing purposes...
  17. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    Straight up^ all i drop is acid any more with the once i awhile weed.

  18. BeeOne234...

    BeeOne234... Elite Member

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    Catalyst. Anyone else had this privilage to puff yet??
    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I never thought I could love one strand this much...mmm is all you need. listen to ares...always listen to ares :D

    If your only into growing the dankest --(which should...)
    check out
    Marijuana Botany by: Robert Connell Clarke book most info and well written in my opinion.
    but...there are a hundred books...
    Check out my boys herb and my then another homies photography of it in The Cannabible 1+2.
    Go Jason Go Jason wooooo....
  19. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    I guess it all depends on what site the seeds were purchased off of. The only negative comments I've heard personally directed to a seed site was because the website was run in a different country, and they didn't get passed the border.

    I have looked around at a few recomended seed sites, and I know that some of them have been in bussiness for years, which leads me to believe that they do everything they can to conceal your order from unwanted eyes, or else they wouldn't be in bussiness. But the bottom line is, do your homework, and check into things. Knowledge is key.

    As far as mailing addresses go, I don't really know if a P.O. Box is really nessicary, let alone worth the money. But use common sense, if you've got a crop growing, and a Leo gets to your seeds in the mail you might be in some hot water. Its always good to have your seeds sent to a safe address, so that on the off-chance something does come up, your tracks are covered.

    The last issue I'll cover right now is one of the biggest, and most important. Again, I can't stress this enough; you shouldn't be open with your peers about growing. It doesn't matter how long you've known them, or how tight you think you are. People gossip, and it will get around and the next thing you know, someone's jacked your crop. And I'm sure anyone else on here who has dealt with rippers will agree with me when I say that they will take everything they can get their hands on. And while were on the crop stealing tip, if you find someone's crop be smart about it and leave it alone. Karma will get you..

    Bee, can't say I've had the privilage of smoking any of that yet, but I have heard a few people talk about it, with nothing but great things to say. If at all possible, could you get a flick/scan of some nugs? I'm going to check that book out too. And that link is pretty cool, those moasics are awsome.

    Any ways, I'd love to stay and chat but the bongs calling my name..
  20. BeeOne234...

    BeeOne234... Elite Member

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    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:

    ares--my digital quality pics would do no justice to the amazment of reality...
    i will get some flicks from the guy thats growing good...ahhhh...'s some random flicks..I can handle resizing 1-5...but man 100 or more...nuh uh it'd take my computer illiterate ass hours.....
    so......thanks grandson for resizing them for your lazy grumma...
    haha I think he does this job cause he sees the ones noone else gets to see hahahhaa...
    thanks man..