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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    actually, vaporizers use VERY VERY VERY little herb, and only one little packing of it will get you high, trust me. It heats up the herbs to 350-400 degrees, and the thc vapors come up, and all you inhale is the pure thc, instead of the other shit (which causes smoke)

    and you will laugh for hours.
  2. Juice+

    Juice+ Senior Member

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    y'all got no skills.... Knife hits. best way to conserve weed and get ripped beyond belief off just a oney.

    I got premo bong experiment.. for those who like to put other shit besides water in the base... (OJ, milk, fruit punch... all makes weed have some badass taste)

    Check it:
    Fresh milk in the base... makes for thick smoke.
    icecubes are awesome for power hits cause it tastes like air almost... then you exhale and you just hotboxed somthin. Well, instead of icecubes... make orange icecubes. Slice up an orange, freeze it... when thier done, throw em' in the bong... add fresh milk to the base and let a rip... Makes the smoke thick and a craze-nattic citrice blend... its pretty dope really. You can even go so far to throw a lemon or orange peel in the sack for extra flavor. DOnt leave it in there too long, may get too wet.. just a few hours is perfect.

    When yo bong's done... rinse out and put water back in... :)
    Its 100% great.
  3. Deal Faker One

    Deal Faker One Senior Member

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    or you could just put water and ice in there and not have your bong smell like shit from curdled milk and rotten oranges....citrus makes milk curldle even does heat....
  4. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Its not so much that vapourizers use less herb, its just you get more out of it. When smoking, almost 70% of the THC is destroyed.

    And I'm with Deal Faker on this one.. Just the thought of getting a taste of curdled milk in a toke is making me want to throw up.
  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    ew, it just made me throw up, but the citrus ice cubes... i like it... but i wouldnt do it, it'd make good munchies..
  6. Deal Faker One

    Deal Faker One Senior Member

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    mmm...that sounds good.....or use frozen lemons as ice cubes in iced tea
  7. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    You know howTHC r the crystals on pot right?? good i hope you did... any way vaporizers just "bakes" the THC off the bud. so when you done you should still have green bud left.... i think... you get so hi just because every hit you take it like 98.9999 % THC! or at least it sounds good.

    O u all speak of knife hits or what ever, what the fuck is a knife hit?

    and milk in a bong is gross, just use 7 up or Mt Dew,, me and my buddy use water with like conetrated cherry syrp so it taste like cherry like no other!!!

    peace out stay high, no note the writer i mean litteraly!

    smoke a bowl 4 me
    'im out now
  8. Deal Faker One

    Deal Faker One Senior Member

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    you heat up butter knifes till they are red hot then youput a nug on there and inhale the smoke thru a toilet paper roll
  9. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    yea, shit'll fuck you up! just put them under the stove swirly thingies for like 5 minutes and enjoy
  10. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    i havnt ben here in a while, and i see dr. herb isnt slackin^^^...its all good in here, i gotta get some herb soon
  11. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    i made a pipe out of a resperator. I took the filters off and emptied them out, then drilled holes in the top and put little bowls i made in them. Double light and engoy :).
  12. Yeast Infection

    Yeast Infection Elite Member

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    thats worse then this.........
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  13. atxbomber666

    atxbomber666 Elite Member

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    hey car2nist or anyone else that grows weed.i have a and my freind might start growing weed in a little pot out in my shed and try to make our own and he knows about some shit and how to grow.butttttttttttt the only thing is i was wondering can the weed get natural sun light or does it need to have like a constant supply such as a light?thanks.
  14. cricket

    cricket Elite Member

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  15. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    If your friend knows about growing, he should easily be able to answer your questions...

    While the plants are in the vegitative stage, they will need 18-24 hours of light a day. Once you are ready to put the plant into its flowering stage, you will need 12 hours of light. Yes, of course you can grow marijuana with under the sun, but you need to watch when you plant your seedlings. And if you plan on growing indoors, you should be thinking about buying a cheap HPS light.

    All that aside, the best advice I can give you is to be smart about what your doing. Do your own research, don't depend on your friends knowledge to get you through the grow. And as Cricket said, Can't stress that site enough.
  16. Deal Faker One

    Deal Faker One Senior Member

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    thats worse then this.........
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    no, no its not.....and make it out of a sobe bottle next time
  17. geezpot

    geezpot Elite Member

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    I don't mind putting a few different fluids into my bong.
    My favs are Capt Morgans spiced rum, apple juice, or ice wine-remembering to clean the pipe afterwards.

    I miss the snow and spiced rum, that was a refreshing yet tangy hit.

    Vaporizers are supposed to be healthier to smoke out of because of the lack of resin build up, although I have a few I never use them much because it feels like I'm getting cheated out of a haul?

    Maybe I'll give one away? Bong battle?
    Anyways here's a few randomisms-oops wrong thread must be the weed....
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    Wrong bong....

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  18. atxbomber666

    atxbomber666 Elite Member

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    when i went to egypt in cairo they have these little places called hookah can get a hookah and get what flavor you want and then smoke and drink a pepsi.hookahs are fucking awsome shit.
  19. Deal Faker One

    Deal Faker One Senior Member

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    at cabo wabo in tahoe you can rent hookahs and choose your is bomb....and your in a casino....god that trip was fun....
  20. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    my boy is growing...funny shit, its in his basement, there is this empty space in his basement wall, behind his washer and shit, its a nice warm area, and a hole or crack is on the bottom of the wall and there is this extention cord that goesto the lamp to the crack, around the corner under a door, to under his fishtank and in the wall...

    funny shit