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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    that kid got photographed after the bust... they couldnt make em smoke n drink jsut to get flix for the newspaper dimwits...

    stop smoking so much u are getting numb minded haha
  2. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    There aint nothing like the royal blunt jamacian rum wraps. Gotta pick a few up tonight.

    On the real tip, fuck today. I left my wallet, stuffed with cash and my paycheck at work, and I'm supposed to pick up tonight. No cash, no bankcard, no nothing. Fuck work..

    At least its friday... Time to put on some Marley, grab a heiniken and roll a nice coner.
  3. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    Fuck all this bullshit hype about MJ and MJ grows now that those 4 pigs got killed in the bust.

    And they think tougher laws will make it better...fucking morons...if u get the government to regulate and tax MJ sales like they do booze then they'll totally get rid of the criminal grow ops and dealers cuz they will have no profitable margin. And because of this lack of profit, there will be less grows so less pigs getting killed in busts. FUCK
  4. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Fuck the dude who killed the four cops.

    Its sad to see this kind of stuff getting tied in with growing, but its reality. Four people died, and chances are things are going to be heat, at least in some parts of the country.

    Oh and that bust wasn't an intentional grow op bust. The RCMP were looking for stolen property when they found the grow.
  5. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Cops are ok people, it sucks when they're killed on the job fighting real crime.
  6. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    ^yah some cops can be cool. like my friends dad is a cop and he doesnt care that he writes...its dope.
  7. geezpot

    geezpot Elite Member

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    RIP to the officers.

    The gov't needs to reassess the current laws of MJ so these incidents don't happen again.

    I've tried those blunt wraps and must admit that lately I've bene picking up the prerolled blunt cones-green apple mmm mmm good. Only a $1.50 each at the local smoke shops. Lighter note last week I got a pack of Ron Jeremy rolling papers with pics of naked ladies on it 1 1/2 size so they make nice joints but the paper is a little thick so you get a strong paper taste. Personally I recommend Bambu hemp paper with natural glue(approx $2 a pack-1 1/4 size)-clean burn and no paper taste.

    My biggest pet peeve with buying papers is shitty glue.
  8. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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    I don't even remember the last time I used yourself a favor and get your self some blunt wrap. [/b][/quote]
    well when you smoke everyday, a few times. you gotta use different shit, and smoking blunts all the time can get expensive, cuz most of my bluts are at least 1 gram.

    the best is splittin a pompom cigar and microwave some honey so its all liquidy, and cover the blunt with honey, then roll the fucker up, i've had these bastards burn for a good 25 minutes before.
  9. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    25 minutes? thats it? god, i had a 2 gram blunt this mornin that lasted a GOOD 45 - 60 minutes

    im also the best damn roller in the derrty!
  10. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    got a half last night...

    sucked i had to wait until 2:30 haha, i was like "im bout to goto sleep" "im down the street"
  11. Atom

    Atom Senior Member

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    yea i had and 1/8 blunt yesterday in a blueberry wrap and i was in heaven...
  12. only4herbthred

    only4herbthred Member

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    anybody ever dipped the blunt in lemon juice before they rolled it i hear it tastes great and the smoke smells like lemons :ph34r:
  13. mad

    mad Elite Member

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    naw, if u dont got blunts use that brown paper.
    some resterants have that shit on the table n they give u crayons to draw on u no

    and jus use some honey to stick it and if it dont stick to well non-toxic glue stick

    ya im ghetto
  14. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    no, not ghetto, just a jackass.
  15. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Smoking a blunt with no wind is fun.
  16. joust

    joust Elite Member

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  17. "daze!"

    "daze!" Member

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    have u guys tried Backwoods, they taste kinda nasty but rolled insede out the rip like fuck!
  18. n00b

    n00b Senior Member

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    hands down wet mango royal blunts are tha best
  19. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    mMmMmMm got a few grams today....GOOD shit. and yes, blueberry and wet mango blunts are damn good....
  20. n00b

    n00b Senior Member

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    dont forget a gravity bong hit of that choclate thai damn its been so long since ive had a 1/4 im broke as a fuckin joke