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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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  2. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    ^^^i hope thats not you and i hope its not your friend either cuz hes gunna eat you now for posting his name

    i love colin.c
  3. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    haha it would be an honor
  4. nuf.rd

    nuf.rd Senior Member

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    this is for everyone

    whats was the name of the weed that you smoked for your first time.
    my first was trainwreck had me movin in slomo for 3 hours than i was just high
  5. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    then your a lucky one. my first time i was too young and not informed enough to smoke anything better than what i can get at the projects. my first was beaster and mostly swagg for a good half a year.

    but shit now a day i wont even match a bowl on a beaster L
  6. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    i smoked weed the first tiem haha, i was in liek 6th grade how the fuck woudl i knwo what the strain was

    first time i smoekd a supposed strain was "
    purple haze" which i later foudn it is not in existance so he only real strain ive smoked is northern lights white widow and jamaicanjam...but ho cares, its all good bud so i dont give a shit what the name is
  7. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    thats becasue you have male plants, you need to find out which ones are make and which are female and rip all the males up and throw them away somewhere, if you want you cna keep them for their leaves too cook with and make a bit of hash, but theyre really not that useful and jsut a waste of time unless your only plants are all male or you have under 4 females with all low yields, but if you have more than a qp theres no poitn in bothering with the males
  8. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    im trying to buy the seeds from a bank but im not down to give them my address is it actauly safe like do people do this??
  9. Asshat

    Asshat Elite Member

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    my god dude you cant be serious.

  10. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    sorry at least im honest. you got your acount back that was nice of koper
  11. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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    anyone on here deal? pm me if you do i got some questions.
  12. phReak-a-NOiD

    phReak-a-NOiD Senior Member

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    dont know the first, the first strain i smoked was silver haze -im lookin for this shit since then but nowhere to buy that weed-, and it was my first real (not self-made outta some coke-bottle) bong too, was my best time i got high too-not the strongest(yeahhh goooood dope, that fucked me up in smoke-sessions in my "early years") but most funniest and most impressive

    outdoor for selling?yeah right, the cheapest to grow, but here outdoor is kinda hard to sell, nobody (like me) buys that , just if you sell it for like the half price of indoor, but nobody really wants to buy outdoor-maybe except its from colombia or thai or something like that :D
    but its cheap to grow and a good alternative if you got nothing else, but not the shit to make cash

    and whatta fuck- makin hash out of male plants?!?!??its theoratically possible, but practically totally senseless, not enpugh thc in them.....
  13. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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    me miss weed
    having a break for the moment
    enjoy yor cones fellas
  14. epikstyles

    epikstyles Senior Member

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    its not at all

    i always make goldies(Golden butane oil) out of male plants, you just get alot less, still its something to get out of the plants waste of time growing, and its still just as potent you just dont get as much
  15. phReak-a-NOiD

    phReak-a-NOiD Senior Member

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    i wanted to say that, its possible, but its- like you say- waste of growing cause they have way less thc in them.
    and to make hash out of them seems kinda (!) impossible, they dont have resin (or that amoount it doesnt really count) on their leaves
    maybe possible but-i think- not worth tryin it

  16. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    why would there be H in hash?

    as for those mushies they dont look that good, look way over died and oldm skinn ass stems (where most the potency is) no purple or blue veins... look like the normal gainsville feild mushies i used to get trash bags full of back in high school [/b][/quote]
    yeah they are fields, but redicilously cheap thou - west palm picked.

    she said it was similar to what she was pickin up from this guy who had it tested and it came positive for H. i dont know myself but it was nice.

  17. epikstyles

    epikstyles Senior Member

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    is that way really the bomb for smoking hash or something i just heat and crumble it in a "bowl" with a bit of tabaco blockn the hole or just crumble it amoungst weed in a joint or tabbaco
  18. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    you can do that but the true way is to smoke it like incense.
  19. Oink.

    Oink. Elite Member

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    Sighh, I wish i still smoked nd dropped and just got fucked up. Quit drugs my funs over :( sober for over a month.
  20. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    does this scream PIG or what?