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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. anarchy

    anarchy Elite Member

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    u got that half zip for 18 bucks


    i'd buy it for that.
  2. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    make some tastey foods, if i wasnt on my way out the door i'd kick ya some receipes (spelling?) i got one that makes a bomb pizza, ill get back to it.
  3. coes2

    coes2 Member

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    what? i dont smoke no more,but i used to. but i kno shit about weed, i am not some kid that is just randomly coming up wit the idea to deal. i was just askin so i dont fuck my people over, and get the shit beat out of me lol.
  4. nuf.rd

    nuf.rd Senior Member

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    yeah its full of really small buds,theres a decent amount of crystals on all the leaves so it gives an okay buzz,that bags pretty packed id say a little less then half an oz there but i got it for 18$ so thats allrite

    i bagged it all up in to stindgey 10$ sacks to sell it to the tryhard scene skaters down at the park [/b][/quote]
    now if you know its there first time give em a bag with oragano (sp) and a small potent bud.

    someone did that to my brother that shit was hillarious
  5. faime

    faime Senior Member

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    ya my friend did that pretty crazy
  6. phReak-a-NOiD

    phReak-a-NOiD Senior Member

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    what? i dont smoke no more,but i used to. but i kno shit about weed, i am not some kid that is just randomly coming up wit the idea to deal. i was just askin so i dont fuck my people over, and get the shit beat out of me lol. [/b][/quote]
    ok, so get a scale, if its not worth cause you dont needs it often go to a supermarket and youse the fruitscales :lol:
    na, but its not really possible to say how much something is with a picture of it-like i said different densitys etc.etc.

    and if you bought weed yourself, you should be able to guess the weight, better than some people only with a picture of it, but if you have absolutely no clue, ok its better than totally rip off somebody without wanting it

    or you just ask them if they agree with you its enough, if they are your friends this shouldnt be a problem

    but yeah, do whatcha want, just my good advices

    damn, im happy when i can smoke again on monday, all this drinkin allday long fucks up my brain and makin me writin bullshit on the internet :lol: :lol:
    hopin to be clean though otherwise im fucked up, i think im gonna leave my country then <_< :D
  7. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    OK, so me nad my friedn are both buyign some decent bongs offline, i want to get a nice peiece but a small one so its easily hidden and transportable, ive narrowed it dow nto two bongs

    Roor Blue 100
    [Broken External Image]:
    10" Red Zong
    [Broken External Image]:

    take some votes, gimme some ideas on which one you guys would get if you HAD to get one of these
  8. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    buy both and send me the roor
  9. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    arnt you the guy who wanted someone to send you a plant as well? are you jewish by any chance?
  10. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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    id get the roor.
  11. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    the only problem with the roor, the mouthpeice is an inch wide, 30 mm if i remember correctly, and 25mm is an inch

    and theyre both 10" tlal but the zong because of that z shaped body is lnger, also that roor is such a cheap model its not made with high quality glass, so im lookign beyond the name in this case...and i think im going to snag up the zong and get a "real" roor with thick glass and at least 18" once i get some more money in my pocket
  12. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    also looks cooler
  13. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    which one looks cooler? zong or the roor? casue that roor is a classic look thats real classy, but the zongs are very limited quantity adn are really nice kind of unknown brand of bongs
  14. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    hahahahah lolololol im catholic.i just like free shit an i got robbed last night so i need some comforting. but my boy broke the base on baby blue.. so even though there nothing wrong with it iv been forced to smoke blunts for the past while and if the mouth piece is only an inch get the zong that pic makes it look alot nicer than what you described.

    i want a hurricane my friend got one deffinatly worth the money.
  15. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    yeh man they definately want to make it lok better, and its a great lookign bong, its jsut vey small and fragile in comparison to the other roors, the only thing it has going for it is its look and name, but im a very careful person and i woudlnt break it but i think id still prefer the zong and then getting a larger roor with the thick glass liek theyre known for when im a little older and have some good money in my hands

    thanks for all the input htough, i was just curious what you guys all thought on it
  16. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    oh nad if anyone was interested both of those bongs are only $60...the zong is on jupitergrass and the roor is all over most places for more than 60 but me and my freidn found one place with cheap roors nad its only 60 and the roor 250 is 90, the 250s the same thign but liek 3" tlaler adn standard width and thicker glass
  17. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    golly i sure do love weed. i think my dealler is a cop hes to perfect. and he popped up almost out of no where hes from the next town over and like 1 person knew him and he i got a quater from him threw them and he found out my number and called me when i had never even met him, but its been a while and he treats me like his little brother :wub: . he doesnt know his shit though i was driving around and he kept asking me all thes common sence weed questions like are these bags fat and he showed me a dime that was a legit 40 and hes like i think this bud is ok and it was sour d. either that or he deals and dosent smoke.
  18. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    you're lucky man, take advantage of how dumb he is, and ask who he buys off of so you can go striaght to the source, if he sells fat sacks of Sour Diez for that chep he must have insane hookups...or hes a great botanist
  19. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    nah i cant do that to mu were that close. he gives me the deals he getts. and we have that mutual trust shit going. he sold me a massive 400 sack and he was like i only made 30 on this i couldent pay the rent. and he was like "my mans said i can gett a batch of this shit called gape kush for $8,000" i dont even bother asking how much for pounds is that a good deal when os of kush here would be a good 650 and os of nomal GOOD bud are about 450
  20. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    whats a 400 sack? 400 grams?

    you people have weird terms, around here its just grams eigths halfs ozs qps and lbs