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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    heres something FOR THE BRAIN, this is outa heads magazine the article is called
    Old hippy tokers may have actually been doing something good for their brains. As the flower children age, scientists are realizing that those who sparded up regularly in the 60s and 70s now have a lower incidence of Alzheimer's than the general population. This is leading researchers to search for cannabis compounds that show progression of the disease.
    "Inflamation of the brain is part of ageing" says Ohio State U. psychologist gary wenk. "it happens to almost all of us as we age. But in some cases [like Alzheimers] this inflamation gets outa hand and causes serious damage."
    Wenk and assosiates developed a synthetic marijuana like compound and tested it on old lab rats. the new drug stopped inflamation and made the rats "smarter"--- not only were they better able to perform the rat equicalent of remembering where they'd left the keys but their memory impairment was actually reversed.
    The rat success is a pretty good predictor of how humans would respond to the drug. but they cant try it on humans yet. there is a serious side effect, IT GETS THEM HIGH....

    and thats where im ending it i need to go get my side effect on.
    that was the jist of it anywho the rest is just sayin that there still is alot of work to be done. and that tokin up is not a sure way to save your self from this dementia in the future.

    but weather it is or isnt im not taking the chance.
  2. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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  3. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    haha right straight from bolivia too right?
  4. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    i've seen alot of that weed. pitched on a hp just last week. doesn't look like much here but that's cause you got shafted on the nugs (i actually got a 7g nug right beside me), its mad leafy, and pretty wet. but check out how many crystals on that. once you trim it and let that dry out completely it looks bomb. you can look through the thread and see alot of pics of it from other people too. im so high on coke sorry for the long description (or you could just SKIP over it if you're a fag like meatsnacks who cares to comment about shit like that)
  5. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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    yea he gave me 2 3.5 gram nugs. i just broke it up a little.
  6. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    i need to get me some more. i also need to find something to sell in order to make money. it's a neverending cycle.

    but hopefully by the summer, my friend's crop will be ready to sell, and i can make some good money with him. he's got everything he needs to do hydroponics, but last time he did it, he got them almost to 6 feet, and his mom found them and chopped them up. bitch.
  7. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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    yea im selling some of this. and that sucks about the 6 foot plant.
  8. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    my boy had a few promising plants growing in the backyard til his grandma thought they were yard weeds and ordered them chopped. so while hes in jail his lil bro carefully tries to uproot the entire root system. when we founfd out they were as good as fake gas.
  9. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    i've seen alot of that weed. pitched on a hp just last week. doesn't look like much here but that's cause you got shafted on the nugs (i actually got a 7g nug right beside me), its mad leafy, and pretty wet. but check out how many crystals on that. once you trim it and let that dry out completely it looks bomb. you can look through the thread and see alot of pics of it from other people too. im so high on coke sorry for the long description (or you could just SKIP over it if you're a fag like meatsnacks who cares to comment about shit like that) [/b][/quote]
    hey atleast you remembered that your writing too much...
  10. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    naw im just playin. but like he said you been shafted i was gonna say that same shit. your payin for water dude that shit is leafy and wet just like dude said. how much did you pay for your dank?
  11. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    thats kinda amusing...
  12. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    i've seen alot of that weed. pitched on a hp just last week. doesn't look like much here but that's cause you got shafted on the nugs (i actually got a 7g nug right beside me), its mad leafy, and pretty wet. but check out how many crystals on that. once you trim it and let that dry out completely it looks bomb. you can look through the thread and see alot of pics of it from other people too. im so high on coke sorry for the long description (or you could just SKIP over it if you're a fag like meatsnacks who cares to comment about shit like that) [/b][/quote]
    looks similar to shit i have now i guess cuz im is "shafted " or what ever you call mine has alot more crystals but less red hairs.
  13. epikstyles

    epikstyles Senior Member

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    hey there are to many pages for me to be fucked checking threw.---currently in china so cant buy good utensils--- my freind has never tried a water bong and hes got 11 grams (dry) and 3 grams hash but you cant buy bongs so i was just going to make them. normaly if i was desperate i would just burn a hole in a water bottle chuck pen piping threw it and make an aluminin foil "bowl" and put it on put gum round the entry hole and tape it there and burn a rush hole threw a bit higher at the back.

    i think they are pretty shit and aparently poisonous anyway got a better way than tin foil for a cone/bowl
  14. jape-the-nape

    jape-the-nape Elite Member

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    looks similar to shit i have now i guess cuz im is "shafted " or what ever you call mine has alot more crystals but less red hairs. [/b][/quote]
    u got about 2 grams there budy,lolz
  15. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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    he weighed it out in front of me. and i payed $65 for that.
  16. Copieright

    Copieright Senior Member

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    what kind o scale was he using :p
  17. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    naw yo it prolly did wiegh it out infront of him that shit looks DAMP its all water weight if anything...
    or he held the scale up from the platform thing and calibrated it. haha.
  18. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    naw yo it prolly did wiegh it out infront of him that shit looks DAMP its all water weight if anything...
    or he held the scale up from the platform thing and calibrated it. haha.
    i hate computers
  19. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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    damn some of you kids are so fucking stupid
  20. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    yep that looks like about a quarter. but haha as if you paid 65$ for a q of that. i payed 800 for hp (same as that, wet n untrimmed). even after what's lost after drying it's still a good deal.