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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    fuck de toxing notr till i smoke all of this im working on a 60 hour high then im stop for roughly a week

    and il feel good when im not high after that i cant think right now meatsnacks= meeeeeeeeaaaaty snaaacks
  2. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    so theres this cult type church thats been here for like 2 or 3 years, and just recently, these parents that belonged to it were gonna watch a sermon online, and their kid started acting up, so they locked him in a box and he died. they're notorious for beating their kids (the cult).
  3. alive

    alive Banned

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    for 2mrw.

    and would u mind taking a moment to admire my desk?

  4. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    lol bingeing on weed that's a new one....

    i smoke many times a day but i still don't count hours n shit. it just periodically comes and goes. whenever i feel like basically. you make it sound like a real drug binge haha "i haven't slept in 53 hours... *twitch*"
  5. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    have any long time smokers relised that cannibus effects ur eating habits,cuss wen im low on funds or theres a drought i notice that im not as hungry,or i eat at really odd times.
  6. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    il sleep are you kidding
    i whent to sleep at 7 last night just woke up high
  7. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    haha please i've killed like 2oz in 3 days before, average like an oz every week for months (ohhhh senior year). if you have a regular length sleep you will not wake up high.

    and you obviously didn't understand what i meant. like a real drug binge on like speed or e or something, the person on the end of it's always like, "i haven't slept in 2 days". you were jus making it sound like that.
  8. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    are you kidding me it do all the time. you smoke and smoke and smoke and smoke and black out kinda late at night and you wake up high its crazy. dont doubt me im not a liar
  9. speak_to_spawn

    speak_to_spawn Member

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    anyone got a a pattern or something to do a pocket pipe, easy and fast??
  10. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    yeah ive woekn up high a ton of times, if you smoek at liek 2am and go to sleep wake up around 10ish youll still be high, if its decent bud and neough of it, itll be fading obviously but youll be high for another hour or so...happens alot
  11. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    grab a pencil, roll some tin foil on it so its liek 3 layers thick, squeez it real tight so its a hardeneed cylinder, then slide the pencil out excpet for the eraser tip adn bent it upwards tomake the bowl...if thast what you meant liek a ghetto pipe

    just invest in a bat or a chillum for like $5 on an online headshop, its so worth the $5 haha
  12. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    buy a bullet there 10 bucks at the store
  13. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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    last saturday i had to go to some school for a test and i smoked 3.5 grams the night before with my friend and i went to sleep around 3 and woke up at like 7 still blazed
  14. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    yeah dude last week on liek thursday i was blowing some opes at like 1 maybe and the next day i hit school adn i was feeling it still, it was kinda ill, i didnt get a comedown, it was weird, enver happened before that i felt a drug that much alter unless it was a cokcktail of something, all i did was do a few and then drink some rum...but it was sick, i love beign in school fucked up, excpet in math or english cause then you gotta do shit and you just get stressed casue you cant figure out what to do haha
  15. nuf.rd

    nuf.rd Senior Member

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    lol damn an oz out here is 130-150 for some dank bubble kush.
    and being high at school is the best.espically when the teacher thinks your paying attention.
  16. speak_to_spawn

    speak_to_spawn Member

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  17. nuf.rd

    nuf.rd Senior Member

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    hahha damn that must be hella long.

    -i want to get blunted my brother
  18. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    i mean i was blazed at least once 85% of the days in senior year (the last 2 months probably averaging 3 times a day, at school) but i wouldn't say its the best. you jus get mad burnt and distracted. for people who actually wanna try it ain't the best thing. i remember i would actually try and listen to the teacher and get distracted and just start drawing, and did that ALL the time. i'm in uni now so i pulled through but i can't say the same for most ppl who smoked everyday. if you kno you have problems in school, smoking weed will definately not help, and school is def more important.
  19. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    smoknig helpeed me get htrough school, i dunno why but i just daze off but i pick up every bit of info the teachers say...i smoked every single day before school first term and got all as and one B+ in an elective abotu computer programming, it was bullshit

    but 130 an oz? thast cheap...adn for bubble kush? only time i heard an ame liek thatwas bubble hash, im thinkign bublegum mixed with some kind of kush maybe?
  20. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    lol ok like i said, "if you know you have problems in school, smoking weed will definately not help". sure SOME people may be able to do it, but believe me i've seen wayyyyyyyyy more burnouts that did below average than burnouts that did above average. im still pullin B's in uni and i still smoke multiple times a day, among all the other drugs throughout the week. but just cause some ppl can do it don't mean everyone can, and saying the opposite is just dumb.