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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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  2. Faik

    Faik Member

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    Twas a good saterday =]
  3. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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  4. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    well theirs burnt resin, which you scrape otu of bowls and stems and shit, and theirs plant resin, which is excess crystlas you get all over yourt hadns when your workign your harvested bud and doign cuttings and hsit, and that stuff is bomb!

    that honey oils lookign nice man, did you put that in a level? thats what it looks like, oh actually thats jsut an air bubble probably, nevermind
    oh yeah, can i get a cna of butane at wlamart? cause i was looking for some but all i coudl get was it jsut out of a bic ligther, i couldnt find the refill bottles anywhere
  5. Mr. Lefty

    Mr. Lefty Senior Member

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    Bowl resin doesn't get me high.. never did.. shit makes me want to puke.

    Just picked up on a ½ of "beasters".. the best nugs in town..
  6. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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    well theirs burnt resin, which you scrape otu of bowls and stems and shit, and theirs plant resin, which is excess crystlas you get all over yourt hadns when your workign your harvested bud and doign cuttings and hsit, and that stuff is bomb!

    that honey oils lookign nice man, did you put that in a level? thats what it looks like, oh actually thats jsut an air bubble probably, nevermind
    oh yeah, can i get a cna of butane at wlamart? cause i was looking for some but all i coudl get was it jsut out of a bic ligther, i couldnt find the refill bottles anywhere [/b][/quote]
    i get butane at a smoke shop in the mall .... i know everyone there real well so when i go in and ask for a 12 case of butane(make sure its colibri or some other zero impurities shit, unless u wanna smoke those impurities ... haha never get the ronson stuff yuck) .... lol they just say dont blow yourself up

    but im a chemist i know what im doin'
  7. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    you ever make some dmt or 2c-2b or anything?

    only wondering casue my brothers friend is a chemist major and he makes all that stuff
  8. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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    nah ... im not actuallty a chemist ... thought that if i went to school for that shit it would be a waste of money for a really boring job. unless i made drugs and sold them but thats too risky for me. ill just keep to herb. i was really good at chemistry in high school, and im not an idiot, so i know when im spraying butane to do it by a fan pointing out a window ... and dont have and spark or flame near ..... common sense really


    my friend was making oil in his small apartment kitchen, and his buddy was flicking a lighter


    haha lesson learned there. nothing real serious just a flash fire ... melted some shit in the kitchen and burnt my buddys arm a bit, but u can barely see the scars now. his ex works at the smoke shop, shes the one that tells me to be careful. ... i just say im not an idiot.
  9. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    thats sucks beaster is the best you got.... i refuse to buy and hesitate to even smoke that stuff. i mean its not bad but i guess you can conider me a snob
  10. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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    meatsnacks i dont know how in detail i needed to go for that honey oil tutorial i pmed u but i think u know yer shit and i way overdid it lol
  11. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    beasters is pretty much all thats running through this town right now. smoked around a quarter of it overall this weekend.

    worked well.

    would smoke again.
  12. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    i just smoked a fatty 60 worth of sour deeeeez
  13. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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  14. rseyek

    rseyek Elite Member

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    i love weed so much, i married mary jane years ago, i dont know how i could survive without it, i mean i would probably blown my own brains all over the wall if it wasn't for herb...

    i owe it my life, for saving mine..
  15. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    i hear yah canibus saves man. id prolly be killed or rottin in jail, i was a wild kid with alot of issues in the wrong area. im not sayin im a pacifist im just not AS crazy.
  16. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    yeah marijuana has made me who i am...haha that soudns so gay

    but seriously, whats beaters? i never knew if it was bomb shit or bad shit, cause aroudn here no one uses that word
  17. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    yeah when i learned how to do it i was todl go outside by yourself and just empty a bottle of it into our extraction container and then elave for 30 mins
  18. groneg

    groneg Senior Member

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    i started growing marijuana a month ago and its now 5 inches tall but anyone know anything usefull about growing cause the fertilizer im using is shit and i dont know shit about how to grow marijuana but i sprouted seeds and planted them in a pot and turned on a shitty fluorescent light but its growing good for know but how the fuck do i harvest and shit?
  19. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    weed kept me from committing suicide so did graff but im gunna go to jail and its unna ruin my life.

    heres a story.

    shit was going bad for me for a while my parents had just gotten divorced and i found out my dad had a terrible drinking problem, couldent make it in school and i was tired of getting shit stole to the point where i stabbed a kid for teasing me with my ipod, and basicly whent crazy.

    i started concedering suicide away i could get my message out and say fuck you i quit.

    i realized if i was gunna do this i wanted to go out banged up. so i smoked up and i t calmed me down to the point where i forgot about hurting my self and got preoccupied making food so i wouldent be hungry then my a.d.d kicked in and i started drawing untill my high whent down where i came out stress free and calm.
  20. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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    i do a qp at a time with a small honeybee exctractor and melt the shit with iso after i get the butane out
    had an old hippie friend tell me it was the clearest and best hes smoked in 20 or 30 years so that made me feel good about it. ive got 100 cdn a gram for it b4 ... from one of my dealers haha