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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. only4herbthred

    only4herbthred Member

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  2. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    How many papers did it take to wrap that one?
  3. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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  4. Yeast Infection

    Yeast Infection Elite Member

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    4 oranges that shot its half way burnt it was a 5 gramer
  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    haha! i remember those EXACT Js with me and my boys, haha, each one of your pics, looks like something ive had in the past with my boys haha!

    4 1.25 orange zig zags, been usin since i started, learned with them...
  6. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    haha the big j memories.....ahhhh....
  7. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    im not a big fan of joints, for no reason
  8. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    joints are nice, they are easier than a bong to me, its like smoking a bone. damn thats a big j tho...
  9. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    wow i now get "randomly" drug tested .... i need so nyson or what ever the fuck its called that makes you test negitive
  10. Yeast Infection

    Yeast Infection Elite Member

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    Red bull contanes 100% nyocin drink 3 bottles of water and pop mad vitimens and pound 2 redbulls i pass drug test alot like that.
  11. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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  12. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    thanks alot yeast, i use to just water out, drink mad water allll day
  13. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Its funny how when I was in rehab I actually stayed clean...I pissed for some of the other kids in there on numerous occasions. I didn't know about the red bull trick, but theres this shit called "Clear test" you can get in this store round here that will garauntee a passed test, expensive though.
  14. Yeast Infection

    Yeast Infection Elite Member

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    Or you could spend $30 and get a home test kit from cvs
  15. bayareabomber

    bayareabomber Member

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    dosent if you drink too much water it will make ure piss see through, and when the doc takes ure sample one of the main things they look at is the color.So i drink lots of water then eat alot of apercots they turn piss yellower, and they wont tell u tried to delute ure test.But yeah drinking alot of water does make you register as negative.
  16. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Just say your trying to lose weight by drinking a lot of water.
  17. bayareabomber

    bayareabomber Member

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    never thought of that good idea
  18. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    hahaha i was gettin high with this guy i know, he has this huge fuckin 8 footer bong, so i ask him where it is, he's like i got rid of it, i only smoke j's now, im like why? and he's like cuz bongs are for people that dont know how to roll., lol it seemed more funny at the time.
  19. bayareabomber

    bayareabomber Member

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    Oh this should help alot of u with piss tests it helped me alot.

    #1 Oct-17-2004, 00:39
    Registered Join Date: Oct-11-2004
    Location: Pacific Northwest
    Posts: 43

    pass your drug test the safe way (facts, myths and passing them safely)



    This will be a VERY lengthy post and for those who have read my previous posts avoid the eyestrain - but if you are new here and want to know the safest way to pass a drug test - I will fill you in on everything I have gathered regarding the matter over the years and what worked for me. I have done a lot of research on the matter and have a rather good understanding of how the process works from the lab side as well. I do not claim to be any type of expert, I just am very good at gathering information and have used the information to my own benefit.

    Lets start with how a drug test works (I am strictly talking about urine tests, as they are still the most common, hair and blood good luck, if you smoke you will fail).

    When you take a urine test, a number of things are being check to determine if you are a user they are as follows: ph, temperature, creatin levels, and color of sample but at least that one can be easily explained away a urine sample isn't always going to have color but it may make a good lab wonder and they will run even further tests on the sample that will find metabolites.

    All labs operate differently, so when you go in you may or may not know what to expect, and the lab employees are just people, some people do a good job some do not, you also may or may not be supervised, if you are on probation good chance you will, for a job usually they do not as they are trying to respect the privacy of the individual, but you just never know.

    What is the lab actually looking for (I'm also only discussing weed here, don't give a sh!t about white drugs, think they are pure garbage and I could care less if someone get caught using them).
    The lab is not testing for THC (myth #1) what they are looking for are metabolites. Metabolites is the byproduct of THC consumption and is stored in fat tissues, for most urine tests if you have under 50ppm of metabolites in your system it will pass.


    MYTH #1: I haven't smoked for X number of days so I should be okay.

    In some cases that is very true, it depends on a number of things, body fat, metabolism, and your body chemistry. A very active person, with very low body fat and eats regularly should be able to get the metabolites out of their system very rapidly, however a person with a very slow metabolism can store metabolites in their sytem for up to roughly two months but in most cases if you haven't consumed for 30 days you should be fine any less time really depends on the individuals personal body chemistry. THERE IS NO FIXED RULE each persons body is different so the time frame is really different from person to person, generalizing is nice and a lot of sites do but it doesn't make it the case for each person. It really depends on how quickly your system purges the metabolites.

    MYTH #2: Drinking lots of waters days before my test will get the meabolites out of my system.

    Drinking water DOES NOTHING to remove the metabolites from your system, the only thing drinking lots of water does is dilute your urine sample the day you are tested so they register under 50ppm, thats it, period - quite frankly it isn't all that great for your bladder to flood your system continously.


    These products are a pure waste of money, they are preying on desperate people and should not be allowed to operate - some will work a lot do not - you guess which ones do - theres an easier way and I for one am not to willing to put my faith in corperate America - plus the labs continuosly monitor these product and are also looking for the additive they use - if found in your sample you fail even if the metabolites do not show up - additives are even worse because they have a tendency to effect ph and if they are not the proper temperature when you give your sample they know the sample has been tampered with, SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!

    MYTH#4: Cannibus is physically addictive!

    What a load of crap, this is the garbage drug counsellors like people to believe, but then again they treat all drugs as being the same and they are not - I have found no factual eveidence to support this including government studies, matter of fact a number of studies show it is not physically addictive, including some of the government ones, but they don't like the general public knowing that - cannibus can be psycologically addictive but there is nothing to support in any way that it is physically addictive. Really not smoking is a matter of will, simple as that


    Fact #1: Substitution of a urine sample with a clean sample will definitly work IF the temperature is correct when you give the sample, if you aren't being supervised you can get away with it, If you are well I wish you luck. BUT I REPEAT the temperature must be correct!

    A side note - when you take a test most good labs color toilet water and turn off the water to the sink and tape the lid to the toilet tank cover so diluting you sample with tap water is very difficult but thats your choice if you want to risk it and temperature is still an issue. Also I understand a couple of drops of dried bleach on the fingertips will work, however many labs have learned this and make you rinse your hands before you test - so once again the choice is yours - I'm not much of one to take my chances with luck on something like this.

    There is NO KNOWN product that will remove the metabolites from your system, Teas, water chemical, vinegar. NONE OF THEM REMOVE METABOLITES all they do is dilute your sample so the metabolites register under the prescribed levels they are testing for. The only factual information I have ever been able to confirm is hard exercize because it burn the fat cells that store the metabolites, time and abstinance, just smoking one bowl will register, If you smoke it will be in your system simple as that, for as long as YOUR particular body stores them.

    ONE THING HERE! - If you are doing hard exercise to get them out of your system, stop as much physical activity as possible 2 days before the test or they will definitly show up in your sample.



    Step 1: Stop SMOKING as many days as possible before your test (another side note, I said this would be a long post) WHEN I SPEAK OF SMOKING THAT INCLUDES INGESTION OF WEED IN ANY FORM, I JUST USE THE TERM SMOKING BECAUSE IT IS THE MOST COMMON METHOD OF INGESTION, allow a minimum of two days preferably a week. And for those of you on probation, really if you value your freedom I would just leave it alone, but it's your life.

    Step #2: If possible increase your creatin level within two days of your test - this can be done a couple of ways (creatin is a chemical that increase muscle development, muscles develop from the inside out and the higher your creatin level the faster they develop) red meat and fish consumption will increase creatin levels, sexual activity also helps, you can consume lots of red meat and fish to boost your levels or it can be done artificially (if you are concerned about the increased cholesterol levels from consuming the meat and fish) GNC sells a product called Creatine follow the instructions and excess creatine in your system will be urinated away, and I haven't found any information that states it does harm to your system. If you are using Creatine just follow the instructions up till you take your test. The reason you want to increase your creatin level is a lot of labs are checking that the levels of Creatin in your system are high enough, if they are too low its a potential sign you have diluted your sample.

    Step #3 If you know when you are going to be tested allow yourself a good five hour head start, drink as much water as you can handle then drink even more and keep drinking as much water as you possibly can when your urine is clear with no sign of color you'll be in good shape but keep drinking the water and don't stop until your test.

    Step #4 about 2 hours before your test take vitamin B-12 either through a multi-vitamin or just B-12 take about three times the daily allowance - it will be on the ingredient label how much the daily allowance of B-12 you are taking - this will help keep the samples color more natural looking and the lab won't be suspicious of dilution - allow two hours because the neon yellow appearance will be much less after two hours and the sample will look more natural - It's purely for color and it will increase your energy level.

    Step #5 keep drinking water till your test - NEVER GIVE YOUR FIRST URINATION OF THE DAY FOR A URINE TEST - of course if you are following these steps it won't be possible unless you have a 2 gallon bladder - NOW it seems there are two school of thought on where in the urine stream to give your sample - in the experiments I ran both mid-stream and the beginning of the urine stream worked thats a matter of personal preference and a matter of if someone is observing when you do it, you me it did not seem to make a difference.

    I did all of the following steps and easily passed - the next day I kept taking the creatine - but did not consume water maily because I just wanted to know, and I tested dirty the very next day, and I hadn't smoked for almost three weeks, but my metabolism is very slow cuz I eat like crap, I have a fairly athletic build and am rather active, more than most from what I'm told - but I still tested dirty.

    One final word on the subject - Bear in mind nothing is a guarantee except for having a metabolite free system but these steps do work and have worked for many others and seems to be the safest way I've been able to find to do it.

    I won't be hanging around here much anymore, but please if this is helpful keep sharing it with others and keep this post available to others. Hopefully you find it useful, and by all means use the information to inform others.

    Good luck all,

    Be Well
    undefined"Living so free is a tragedy when you can't see what you need to see"

    This is straight of another sight much props.
  20. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    Blunt wraps and Phillies and White Owls and Optimos and all them are Decent because they are easyer than Vegas or Dutch Master, not that I waste my time doing all that unraveling bullshit but when you split and gut it the leaves go everywhere and on Phillies and all them the outer leaf is all connected.

    Dutchmasters are suck a mellow smoke I love them, and an fiendin' for one right 'bout now, I unintentionally got addicted to nicotine via blunts...

    And that was a SEXY ass joint you posted whoever...