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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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    loose change was done by an american citizen who cared about what really happened, not to make money

    if i was just watching movies about making money i would be quaton fahrenheit 911

    and yes i have done the research, and if you can get past the denial its clear as day what happened 911
  2. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    i dont tihnk we're at war to fight terrorists at all, i thin kthe dispute was over logn ago but we cant jsut stop in teh middle of it and expect nothing to happen back to us, we did not mean to be the terrorists and many people in iraq seem to appreciate what we've done, im sure alot are also upset but who knows, the truth of the amtter is their leader was am urdered and a wretcehd leader and we removied him, and many govt leaders of all areas appreciate that, now their country is being torn intwo due to lack of a govt base and were attempting to help them, thats what i think
  3. alive

    alive Banned

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    this is the same retarded point you made before

    so this predisposes you to believe that because the have the ability they must use it?

    and u disregarded all of my comments before. perhaps because you have no argument?


    loose change was done by an american citizen who cared about what really happened, not to make money[/quote]

    so he would like you to believe. what grounds do you have to make this argument.
    my grounds are: did he donate the funds made to a 911 charity? i think not. do i need to find out exactly how many millions of dollars that movie made? and: the basic human lust for power and therefor money, that cannot be argued

    my apologies for wasting so much time and space in the thread on this. herbals now. haha.
  4. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    going to jail in october...your beat... its not my fault.

    you ever been locked up???

    the youth house was enough for me, made some of my best friends and worse ememys seen different people damn near killed everyday, waiting till i was next, you know what its like waiting for your fate and there being nothing you can do. 3 month of that bull.

    fuck you know months in advance how long your gunna be in there, you obviously didnt do anything that bad if you got cought and your not in there yet. what you do some marth stuart type shit?

    just wait. [/b][/quote]
    i didnt say that you retard. and yes i have been to jail i did a fucking year. you did 3 months you didnt have to worry about shit. 3 months doesnt even get you enough time to get invovled in the politics. and you musta been a pussy if dudes were tryin to dead you.
    get this im just a little ass white kidd but i caught mad rep, some dudes hated me some cats loved me but nobody took a stab. everyday bangers pressured me. "get down or lay down hommie" dudes flashin signs at me behind the guards back. fuck that yo i stayed dolo the whole time got down with some dope cats and learned some cool shit.
    dont get me wrong there were beefs we locked it in and shit but all the beefs were because the think your soft, they just testin dudes. if your soft your gonna catch shit everyday. if your soft and think your hard, its over. i even made it out with more kicks than i went in with.... ;)
    and i didnt change one bit still the same wild ass kid.
    ill say it again i didnt say that shit you quoted me on, and dont fuckin call me out.
  5. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    ^^^i wasnt talking to you idk why it said your name
  6. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    yeah dude jail isnt that bad at all. i meen it sertainly does suck but hes right you get inshape (if you dont...), you get to learn some tricky criminalism from other inmates, and if your a good writer you pretty much have a "get your ass out unscathed" ticket. you can hook them up with dope tat drawins and touch-ups. [/b][/quote]
    this is what i said you dunce cap
  7. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    i found a good amout of shit i spilled on the floor exactly a week ago, and made a small bowl of it. i am now high.

    yeah, i'm that desperate. can't wait till the weekend, though. my friend's gonne bring over an ounce and we will endulge. i already know exactly how the night's gonna go, because its the same schedule every time i have people over.

    -smoke a couple bowls (2-4) on the way back from school
    -meet up with friends and smoke another bowl
    -come back to my house and hit the bong a couple times
    -go somewhere to eat and hit the bong on the way there and on the way back
    -go to the store
    -come back to my house
    -go out later and smoke a couple more bowls
    -come home and pass out
  8. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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    sounds like a good night!

    im just about to blaze one myself
  9. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    sounds like my nights...
  10. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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    and to everyone i was just arguing with

    sorry, this is not the forum for the beef

    my apologies .... all that from a picture of some aussie money lol
  11. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    hahaha, anytime you wanna chat conpiracy hit me up. better yet send a forum request... i dont know how to do that tho
  12. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    this is what i said you dunce cap [/b][/quote]
    i know what you said i just fucked up deleting the other parts when i was quoting it.
    you didnt start with me i wouldent start with you. no hate that was directed towards the other dude.
  13. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    aight then. my bad. i promoted you from dunce cap back to clown shoe....
  14. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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    take yer beef somewhere else, lets talk about weed no one cares about whos goin to jail or whos been there

    im rolin joints right now :D
  15. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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  16. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    im rolling a blunt now dutchmasters collection sucks game dutches are so much better
  17. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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    i like juicy jays blunts
    but their papers are kinda gross .... overdid them
  18. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    i liked my true hemp papers, the only thing i thought was bad with the glue strips was their inability to attach one paper to another and roll a cone withotu it breaking, but i coudl roll a single papercone fine
  19. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    i use nomal papers when rolling cones or j's in general. what makes hemp papers so special iv never had them its not like they can contribute to your high i gues its the fact that your even rolling with the plant makes it more fun.

    but when i rol cones up i only use one paper il just use double wide papers or if i use alot more weed a blunt cone is always fun.

    iv never used blunt wraps/papers. i just buy a dutch and wet it unroll the leaf crack the doodoopaper rollup with that and wrap up with the leaf every p[erson in my general area rolls blunts like this i come on the internet and i feal like nobodys even herd of this way
  20. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    yeah dutch it up! thats how its done here too, but my freinds havnt really been on it much its too harsh man that shit is not meant to be inhailed. so now we just get a razor and cut the leaf right down the center(the long way). or we will just stick the leaf to the "doodoopaper" (the long way) and roll that.