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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. EsKoNeR!!

    EsKoNeR!! Elite Member

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    you guys just need to come up here or have some of up here sent to you. yukon gold. northern lights. kenai thunder. FUCK! an ounce lasts so fucking long with this shit up here. its ridiculous
  2. Eh Mang  I Can't Feel My Face.

    Eh Mang I Can't Feel My Face. Senior Member

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    Round here its basically same price for all weed no matter the quality, same with hash. 400$ qp 140$ oz 85$ half o 45$ quad 25$ half q same prices for hash an buds prices sometimes dip if my homes grab more all prices CDN.
  3. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    YO HAPPY V.D.! hope yall get something good...
  4. epikstyles

    epikstyles Senior Member

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    please explain how this is posible. and why you had leaf
  5. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    dutch masters collection brand.

    but the thing about the phillys is thats the only store in town that will sell cigs and dutches to kids so if somebody stole the whole box they would stop.
  6. cn4m

    cn4m Senior Member

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    im paying 21-23 hun a p. but thats some of the best bc bud out there.
  7. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    please explain how this is posible. and why you had leaf [/b][/quote]
    i had leaf because i trim the big nasty joints off the plants. when they dried out i just used one finger of the leaf instead of the tabacoo leaf.
  8. Mr. Lefty

    Mr. Lefty Senior Member

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    We had some northern nights come through a while ago.. good shit
  9. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    We we we wanna
    The marijuana

    CANADIANA Senior Member

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    any of you heads in british columbia try this "budder" ive been hearing alot about?..they say its suppose to be like 95% thc...
    got this off a guy today, crappy pic but trust me its good

    View attachment 250945
  11. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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  12. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    buddersfuckin crazy, but i woudlnt buy it off anyone except "the budderking" in his store because i hear alot of people try to sell ahshoil as itfor liek $80 a gram, but budder is jsut rediculous shit, i think its abotu 80% THC on average and the tiniest pin drop will knock the biggest heads on their asses...makes me want a degree in chemistry so i can make myself a batch
  13. lance uppercut

    lance uppercut Banned

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    no degree in chemistry needed...its pretty easy to make just time consumeing...anyone can do it

    lance and the budderking grew up in the same part of the city...
  14. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    please explain.

    what makes me wish i had a degree in chemistry is the wish to make acid and DMT. dmt is pretty much impossible to get here. hardly anyones ever even heard of it.
  15. lance uppercut

    lance uppercut Banned

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    please explain. [/b][/quote]
    its the same as making bho/iso oil but theres an extra step at the end that makes it all budder-y...budder can also only be made with certain strains

    but one hit of budder is equal to smokeing two joints.

    [Broken External Image]:
  16. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    :eek: wow..... ive never even heard of it. thats nuts.
  17. Kao.Ali

    Kao.Ali Senior Member

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    Damn, that shit sounds crazy.

    ayo does anyone know which of those sleep aids is supposed to make you trip?
  18. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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    brand name ambien

    i did some, it make me a blubbering mess, and see people outta the corner of my eyes
    then i went to sleep =)
    apparently it affects peoples differently
    maybe i did too much cause it felt like my knees were buckling backwards, then i spent the rest of the night on the floor saying completely random shit and would see people outta the corner of my eyes and like "sense" other people in the room
    like there was just me and a girl in the room but i would be like "THERE IS FOUR PEOPLE IN HERE",

    overall i found it kinda lame
    try it anyway, i wouldnt buy the pills though

    picked up an ounce today
    and some nice foodstuffs
  19. Kao.Ali

    Kao.Ali Senior Member

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    thanks for the info.
    I think theres a free trial thing where theyll send some pills to you or something.

    damn I wish I had a cam that could take good macros, I had some crazy shit from the club. I love club bud.
  20. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    just burnt myself hotknifing a little keef and im just a tad bit high. i think i'll just stick to smoking.

    if i'm gonna get burnt, i better be high, because it hurts like hell when i'm not. when i am, it's just a little tingle and no pain. and for a while now, somehow, i've been able to kind of ignore pain. if i feel any physical pain, i just think about how it's just a feeling, the same way something can feel good. after that, any pain turns into a tingle. it's tight.